Photo Cred: Ales Krivec

Over the years, I've gathered questions that touched me, that asked me to take a fresh look at myself, or to dig a little deeper.  I jot them down as I find them, and I now have too many to hoard for myself. So here they are: ready for journaling, ready for digging deeper, ready for sharing.

If you don't journal, consider it.  It's always easier to write it out rather than to live it out. 

Note: you don't need to keep your journal forever.  I fill notebooks with thoughts, quotes, questions, recipes, must do's but I don't keep them: each time one is done, I take it apart and file what I want to keep into files on my computer.  I try out the recipes.  I order the books I wanted to read or google what made me curious.  I review my mood, my progress, my spiritual must do's.  

                                                        Questions updated every Sunday, enough for a week.

If you'd like these in a weekly newsletter format, let me know: or see the home page for a subscription box

Sunday No 285

What or who are you feeling resentful about right now? 

In what places or moments of life do you consistently get stuck?

What areas of your life bring you down?

Think about a recent issue: Is what you’re worried about actually a problem, or are you looking for problems to worry about because they make you feel in control?

What stories do you tell yourself about your abilities and potential?

Are you disappointing the right people?

Is everything you're doing to be well and feel liberated making you feel better, or is it a chore?

Where do you need more patience? 

What's delighting you today?

What do you want to celebrate now? 

Sunday No 284

Was there a religious or spiritual background to your childhood, however you define that now?

What brings you to a sense of deep belonging?

How did you surprise yourself last year?

Are you striving to live with integrity?

Are your spiritual practices regular and attentive?

Can you feel the difference between wanting to stop feeling rushed vs wanting to feel present?

What are your favorite kinds of unhealthy choices?

Are you spending some of your money out of fear, our of a deficit relationship with yourself and the world? 

Do you often give more than you want to?

What brings you into gratitude?

Sunday No 283

Think of something you recently did: if you repeat this action 100x, would your life be better or worse?

What intimidates you about other people?

In what ways do you sabotage your financial health?

What stands in the way of feeling that you are in charge of your life?

What do you believe that limits you?

Your recent anger is a messenger:  which of your needs was not being met? 

In the most sweeping, general terms, how do you regard the human race? 

What kind of faith do you find in your heart right now?

What story are you ready to tell?

How can you take greater ownership of your life? 

Sunday No 282

Whose viewpoint of money impacted you the most?

What's keeping you stuck, scared, or disconnected?

Do your thoughts build you up or beat you down? 

What unresolved pattern is waiting to be seen?

If you could give each of your siblings, or close friends, some advice, what would it be?

Are all the things you are doing to be well actually helping you to be well?

What is a survival pattern you developed that no longer serves you?

What beliefs are keeping you stuck this month?

What area of your life is your biggest teacher at the moment?

You are a gift: what do people get when they are with you?

Sunday No 281

What are you taking for granted?

What feels frustrating in your life? 

Where do you feel upset, hurt, unheard, or unseen?

Are you setting the boundaries you need in your life to allow you to respect and honor yourself?

Are you using the financial resources you have with a mindset of scarcity, or with a mindset of flow?

What are your fears and excuses about wanting money, and committing to having it? 

Are you living as you truly wish to, according to who you are and not according to a false idea of who you should be?

Are you integrating all aspects of yourself into your life?

When you feel you can’t control your thoughts, emotions, and/or your complaints, what are you seeking?

If you could be paid to do one thing that you care most about, what would it be?

Sunday No 280

What do you wish you did yesterday?

Do you engage with full-on presence, or are you distracted by your phone?

Do you take risks? 

Are you driven by pleasure or pressure?

Do you express yourself clearly?

Do you shame or criticize yourself when you experience adversity? 

What can you do to feel more grounded today?

Where do you think you need to be good/perfect to be loved? 

What do you need to show more appreciation for? 

What would pure positivity with money feel like?

Sunday No 279

Do you have people in your life who are unconditionally in your corner?

Are you setting up your environment in a way that promotes harmony or disharmony?

Is your state of being and happiness dependent on valuables?

In what ways do you like to suffer? (body pain, financial troubles, unlucky in love, work drama, negative self talk)

Is there an old habit that is no longer serving your best interest?

Do you feel safe enough to tell the truth?

Do you follow your heart without interference?

Do you listen to your inner voice?

Do you focus on your needs and find ways to meet them? 

How can you get in touch with your lost self?

Sunday No 278

What triggers you to have a bad day?

Do you feel you can express yourself freely?

Do you approach conversations with a sense of right or wrong? 

What stories do not belong to you that you’re holding on to?

What does your emotional security lie in?

How are you using the financial resources that you have? 

What inspires you to choose the right thing? 

What are your inner obstacles to getting prepared?

What can you do in the present moment to change your destiny?

What do your mistakes say about how you need to grow?

Sunday No 277

Is it fun being you?

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

What do you find yourself wishing you had time for?

What lie did you tell yourself this week?

What gifts have you received from a challenge this year?

Is everything you are doing to "be well" actually helping you to be well?

Where in your life are you thriving? 

How might a life infused with Spirit look?

If you were to look at yourself with a loving gaze, what would shift? (what would be forgiven, relaxed, celebrated)

Sunday No 276

What keeps you from feeling grounded?

Do you believe you need to be busy in order to be productive? 

How much of the stuff that surrounds you every single day is actually vital to your path, and how much of it is in the way?

Are your thought cycles focused on struggle, overwhelm, survival, searches for temporary relief, and fear-based drives?

What wake-up calls have you had in the last 6 months?

If 10 year old you saw your current job, would they be happy for you or confused? 

What are the obvious and not so obvious blessings this year?

How and when do you know you are spiritually connected? 

Do you see your life as something you create or something that is happening to you?

Do you bring joy and well-being into the lives of others?

Sunday No 275

When you need to make a choice, do you often check in with others before checking in with yourself?

What annoys you about other people that you sometimes do yourself? 

Do you find yourself interrupting others when they're speaking? 

Are your thought-cycles focused on struggle, overwhelm, survival, searches for relief, and fear-based drives?

Can you get through challenging moments without bringing other people down with you (aka are you aware of the energy you are emitting)?

Are you touching others' lives in meaningful ways?

What are 3 things you can eliminate from your life to make your year better?

What do you need today to get back into harmony? 

Knowing what you know now in your life, what would you like to do to earn your daily living? 

Sunday No 274

What three things do you want to get good at this year?

What's your most common money fantasy? 

What do you believe your parents should not have done? 

If your body was a billboard, what would it say? 

What fear has been coming up for you the most these days?

What pulls you out of being-based consciousness? 

What are your biggest distractions? 

How often in the past month have you experienced inspiration in your life?

What are you now seeing about your life that you weren't seeing a few weeks or months ago?

What do you see yourself doing when you envision yourself at your fullest potential? 

Sunday No 273

What might it feel like to be tender and caring toward yourself instead of judgmental and self-recriminating? 

Are there any new fears or beliefs holding you back? 

What signs have been showing up, urging you to pay attention? 

What would it feel like if you related to your own suffering with more openness and acceptance instead of self-pity or denial?

What are the stories you most frequently tell yourself about the past? 

What is one new thought, feeling, and action you could have around money that you could really embody?

What does Money want to tell you?

What patterns have you noticed in your past behaviors that keep you from succeeding at your goals?

What are you doing  here on earth  in this  lifetime?

What do you wish for yourself, for your loved ones, and for the world? 

Sunday No 272

What does your ideal sleep schedule look like? 

What social situations do you avoid because you feel awkward?

What do you believe your parents should have done?

Who do you look to for inspiration and guidance? 

Do you insist on being poor rather than insisting on being rich?

What is it you value deeply?

What does true vitality mean to you? 

What do you believe is true only because believing it puts you in good standing with your community?

What spiritual season are you in? 

What do you want to feel and what do you want to embody? 

Sunday No 271 

What are the things that make life wonderful for you?

Are there any areas in your life where you tend to play it safe? 

What are activities that challenge you?

In what ways do you censor your authentic self lately? 

How often do you deny your feelings' validity?

Are you living your life as fully and as presently as possible? 

Do you try to disregard your dreams and hopes, rather than trying to create them? 

What are you afraid will happen if you stay the same?

Do you define yourself by your past, present, or future accomplishments?

What projects or dreams do you want to finish before the end of the year?

Sunday No 270 

What is the first thing you always, or nearly always, do when you are stressed? 

What strategies do you use to ground yourself when you're having a bad day?

Do you allow yourself to play now as much as you would like to, and if not, why?

What are some self-perceived limits that you have convinced yourself for true for you?

How often in the past month have you experienced real contentment in your life? 

Is there a way to be more curious in your life over the next 2 weeks?

Is there a recently realized insight that has helped you move forward or helped you release the past?

What is life expecting of you now?

What are some things you most want to experience?

What do you want to feel, and what do you want to embody? 

Sunday No 269

Are you respecting the seasons of your life or are you attempting to bloom all year round?

If there was nothing you needed to do, create, add to, or separate yourself from, who would you be?

What personal healing work didn’t your mother or father (or grandparents) do, and is this now yours too?

Where in your body are you holding a story? 

Do you see changes as setbacks or opportunities?

What dis-ease, or illness, is calling for healing?

What do you wish you had the courage to do?

What is the most important thing you want to have achieved by the time you are 60? 80?

What do you need to be doing now to make your future happen?

What would you lay on an altar as an offering if you could?

Sunday No 268

When someone shares a problem with you, do you immediately offer ways to solve it, or give advice? 

Do you have enough social supports --a network of people who can offer practical help, advice, information, connections, and emotional support?

What skills do you need to achieve your 2024 goal?

Is the future full of opportunity or threat?

What strengths and talents did you develop as you tried to secure what you were most deprived of in childhood and adolescence?

Why are you doing what you are doing, and how are you feeling about it? 

Where can you stop trying to do it perfectly in favor of just doing it?

Do you live your values consistently at work, in your community, and elsewhere? 

What practices or rituals can you integrate into your routine to support and nurture your creativity?

What does growth require of you this week?

Sunday No 267

How often in the past month have you experienced gratitude in your life?

When, where, and how are you cheap? Generous?

Do you have a friend who is no longer in your life but you wish was?

What's one thing you are thankful your parents taught you?

What qualities do you appreciate in a partner (friend, romance, family, work)?

What lessons did this last season teach you?

Remember yourself at 30: What would you say to you now if you could?

What's a story you are believing that makes the future look gloomy?

Do you have enough mental resources -- understanding, ideas, focus, and concentration -- for your dream life to unfold?

How do you meet yourself in the moment? 

Sunday No 266

What are some creative outlets or art forms that you are drawn to, and can you now explore these further? 

What is your growth making space for?

Do you have enough physical resources -- energy, skill, and strength? 

Does your family see and appreciate who you really are? 

What is the next big thing you want for your career?

How skilled are you in changing your moods? 

What emotions do you think you suppress regularly?

How do your moods affect yourself and other people? 

Do you have unhealed wounds you need to address to better show up for your self and others? 

How can you bring kindness to what's here?

Sunday No 265

What strengths and talents did you develop as a child-to-adult as you tried to get your parents' attention, approval, and love?

Can other people be trusted? 

What are you tired of feeling?

What aspects of yourself were revealed in the last two months that you'd like to change?

What prompts your positive moods?

What are you actively doing to contribute to your own happiness?

What kinds of activities generally make you happy? 

Can your future be shaped in a positive way? 

What kind of magic is presenting and unfolding in your life this week?

Who would you like to be mentored by?

Sunday No 264

Where do you "other" those who don't understand or practice the same way you do? 

If you feel criticized or attacked, do you criticize or attack back?

When did you choose the direction you are going in now? 

What strengths and talents did you find in yourself as you tried to establish yourself as your own person in adolescence?

Remember yourself at 21: What would you say to you now if you could? 

Where in your life would you like to have more courage?

What are you afraid will happen if your deepest dream comes true?

What would 80 year old you regret not going in their life? 

What is rich in your life? 

What's a small gift you can give yourself today? 

Sunday No 263

What do you value most in a friendship? 

Look at your least favorite season of the year and ask: what gifts does this season have for me that my body and soul are yearning for?

What's in the way of you feeling relaxed, present, and open? 

Is your well being determined by what's around you instead of what's in you?

What's your signature strengths?

How often in the past month have you experienced joy in your life? 

What most wants your attention right now? 

If you put down the story of the blame, of the bad other, what difficult experience would you have to open to and feel?

What are you unwilling to feel, when you consider what you want to blame?

When you die, what experience do you want to be left with? 

Sunday No 262

What brought you your biggest successes?

What did you feel most deprived of in childhood and adolescence?

When you were a child, what was the most reliable way to get your parents' attention, love and respect?

What's a money mistake that still hurts or bothers you?

In what ways are you dissatisfied?

What parts of yourself are you still hiding in the shadows?

What hurt are you unwilling to experience?

What's one thing you are doing right now not because it's true for you but because you feel it's expected of you? 

Are there things you like about yourself that your family or friends don't seem to recognize and value? 

Who do you know and admire who lives their life well? 

Sunday No 261

Did your parents have reasonable expectations of you, and were these communicated clearly, or was it a constant guessing game?

Are you forgiving or do you hold grudges? 

When have you felt the most loved?

How true to yourself have you been feeling lately?

What is your basic pattern of motivation? 

Are you interested and engaged in lots of things or are you easily bored?

What vulnerability management strategies do you use regularly? (what do you do to not be vulnerable)

Are you living out of your intelligence (the present) or your memory (the past)?

What's one secret you wish everyone knew? 

If spirit were your provider and all your needs were met today, could you release your feelings of lack?

Sunday No 260

Do you like challenges, or do you tend to avoid them? 

What do you want to be known for?

Were your parents good role models regarding setting personal limits with themselves?

What do you need to do or say to honor yourself so you can be more of service, not less?

What unspoken emotions are contributing to your stress?

Where are you outsourcing your self-worth?

What are you unwilling to feel? 

What's one small change you'd like to make so that you are more true to your heart's desire?

How would you be remembered if you died today, based on today's behaviors and actions? 

What would it look like to have creative freedom where you need that energy the most?

Sunday No 259

Are you trusting of life, or cynical?

What do you know that you don't want yourself to know?

What is easier, or more satisfying, to you these days? 

Do you have reasonable expectations for yourself?

Do you martyr yourself? 

Are you hopeful or skeptical?

Are you infusing the good into your life where you can? 

Remember yourself at 15: what would you say to you now if you could?

What does your ideal future life look like this next year? 

What is the most exciting possibility for you right now? 

Sunday No 258

How do you feel, right now, in your body? 

Do you feel connected to yourself? 

In the last two years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life? 

What is the vision for the world that you want to contribute to? 

Who do you need to be to achieve your goals? 

What role do your current environments require you to be? 

What would be a perfect day for you?

What do you consider luxurious?

How connected are you to your heart these days?

How often in the past month have you experienced love in your life?

Sunday No 257

How close to your values and goals are you living? 

Have you allowed yourself to receive lately? 

Do you tend to avoid indulging yourself? 

What did your child self need to know or hear when they were little?

What did you want from your parents that you never received, and is there a way you can give this to yourself now? 

If you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with, who are those 5 people, and what are their best and worst qualities?

Where do you think you are still holding yourself back?

If all your needs were met today, how would you help others?

What area of your life would you like to bring innovation to? 

What does your ideal day look like, and how often to you live your ideal day? 

Sunday No 256

Do you need to resolve any conflicts or incongruencies within your immediate family?

What situations drain you? 

What part of you would like to be heard? 

Do you tend to avoid depriving yourself?

What has been hard for you to admit to yourself?

What's falling through the cracks of your life these days?

In order to achieve your dreams, what would a normal day look like? 

What activities must happen daily for you to live exactly how you want to be living? 

If you are to really accomplish your dream, how much differently would your regular day need to be than yesterday was?

What prevents you from being at your best? 

Sunday No 255

What kind of situations bring out the best in you? 

Are you generally feeling more peaceful or more stressed lately? 

Hafiz says, "What we speak becomes the house we live in": What words have you been using lately to build your house with?

What kind of people bring out the best in you?

What are your most important strengths?

What helps you bounce back from adversity?

What, if anything, needs gentle attention in your soul right now? 

What do you need right now to feel safe and seen?

What things have you struggled to accept about yourself and other people?

How is life trying to change you?

Sunday No 254

What isn't working in your daily routine? 

Where do you find your biggest regrets?

Are there any loses that overshadow your joy?

What are you curious about? 

What's your first money memory?

What cultivates, and what undermines, your openheartedness?

What enables you to love and to work in a more successful and fulfilling way? 

How much of your commitment is tied to having a good time?

What would help your body feel listened to and loved?

What is your desire, and how is it backed by joy, love, and service?

Sunday No 253

What are the three most helpful values you gained from your family? 

Are you treating your body the way your parents' treated their bodies? 

What, if anything, needs emotional healing in your soul right now? 

What sufferings have you faced in your life right now that are ready to be released? 

Do you have any unhealthy relationships in your life right now? 

In what situations could saying no enhance your happiness or lead to more time and energy for you? 

Do you feel supported by the Universe? 

What experience or feeling do you yearn for today? 

What do you wish for others? 

What do you wish for yourself? 

Sunday No 252

What do you find yourself complaining about lately?

Do you become more or less friendly and engaged according to who agrees or disagrees with you?

When you are disappointed, how predictable is your behavior?

What sparks your sense of generosity or forgiveness?

What is beautiful about your life?

What do you need to thrive? 

What do you love spending money on? 

How can you be kinder to yourself?

What helps you to be open? 

What would you do differently if you were willing to acknowledge the gap between what you want and where you are?

Sunday No 251

What is different about you from this time last year?

What do you want to learn in the coming months?

What are you afraid to say (to yourself, to another)?

Are you able to release distracting thoughts? 

Do you act out of scarcity of what-if, or abundance of what-is?

What story do you tell yourself about your job and finances? 

Are you ready to be true to yourself, and to give yourself the validation you have sought from others until now?

Are you able to meet your resistance with curiosity and kindness?

What makes your body feel accepted and treasured? 

What would be the healthy and most self-compassionate thing for you to do now/next?

Sunday No 250

How often are you meeting your minimum requirements? 

Does being angry or happy change when you think of yourself? 

When you get __(angry, worried), what's the story you're telling yourself?

Where do you get hung up on nostalgia?

What is your biggest source of stress, irritation, or annoyance these days? 

Are there certain emotions you want to avoid? 

Where in your life do you "get results"?

Do you encounter the same issues or patterns over and over? 

What are you sure is true?

What would be required for you to have a prosperous and fruitful career? 

Sunday No 249

Who are 3 people you think have a great relationship with money, and do you know if this is true, or if this is something you interpret?

Are you finding yourself constantly exhausted or overwhelmed?

What person creates anxiety in you?

Are your actions lately out of obligation and duty, or alignment and authenticity? 

What media experiences are you imbibing in lately, and would it be nurturing to let go of? 

What is something you need to grieve?

What sort of attention or nurturing do you need today? 

What are you feeling right now? 

Do your beliefs fuel your freedom?

What aspects of your deeper self are you reluctant to let out? 

Sunday No 248

What one small detail, if you addressed it, would make your daily life easier?

How do you keep your spirits up when things go wrong?

What wonders can you enjoy without spending a dime or travelling? 

What recent mistakes can now be turned into lessons? 

If you could make a wish for yourself that would come true, what would it be?

What are the three least helpful values you gained from your family?

What is it about your emotional life that you most want to change? 

In what ways are you too easy/too hard on yourself?

What identities are you ready to let go of?

Is your curiosity about the world increasing or decreasing? 

Sunday No 247

What direction is your life headed in these days? 

What messages do you send yourself and your body in the way you take care of it?

What are the top 5 things you want to feel in your wellness plan?

What's your next best action, even if it seems painful? 

What do you want to be celebrating in 100 days from now? 

What's one basic need you want to pay attention to this week?

Who, or what, has broken your heart?

Is there anyone in your life you could forgive now?

When you listen to your deep knowing, where do you need more support? 

What could you lean back on and trust today? 

Sunday No 246

What are the top 5 things you want to feel in your home?

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago? 

What skill have you always wanted to learn?

Are you acting out your current life as past pattern, or are you honestly responding to the present?

What energy brought you to your current situation? 

Are you criticizing yourself today the way you were criticized as a child? 

Were you the source of emotional support for one of your parents? 

What help are you willing to ask for and receive this week?

Is your security more important than your authenticity?

What feels like luxury to you? 

Sunday No 245

What do you want to receive in to your life this week?

What do your friends seem to value most in you?

What do you want to enjoy this season but haven't made time for? 

What's clogging your emotional arteries this week and what could you do to release it? 

How is confusion or not knowing showing up in your life these days?

What is the relationship between health and self-love for you right now? 

What small act of self-kindness could help you love yourself more? 

What are the top five things you want to feel in your life?

Imagine the best possible version of yourself: what would bring you closest to being that person? 

What could you achieve this week that would make you feel abundant? 

Sunday No 244

What activities during your day are most energizing? 

What would be extremely joyful for you? 

What are the top 5 things you want to feel in a relationship (romantic, family, friend, work)?

Who do you want to reconnect with, and why? 

In what ways do you consider yourself wise? 

What's a level of abundance you'd be grateful for?

What stops love from flowing from you?

What are the activities you dread but do anyway because you perceive yourself to have no choice? 

How can you better say no to the noise to better say yes to what you want? 

Sunday No 243

How often do you really connect with people you care about?

What do you do in your life that you don't experience as playful?

What relationships, or issues, are currently weighing on you? 

What is your giving taking from you? 

What activates your inner child wound? 

What are you trying to protect that is preventing you from changing? 

When you behaved recently out the way which you now regret, what need of yours were you trying to meet? 

What are you now ready to receive?

Deep inside, who have you always thought you were? 

What one thing could make your life more joyful this week? 

Sunday No 242

Who in your life makes you feel bad about yourself? 

What in your life do you actively participate in that is bad for you? 

In what area of your life are you critical of how you're showing up? 

How are you perceived by yourself?

Who, or what, triggers you out of your loving beingness? 

If social media didn't exist, and nobody would know what you were doing, how would you live differently? 

If you see your life as an act of devotion to spirit, what are you drawn to do, create, or be? 

What does your ideal daily routine look like? 

What is it that you are needing? 

Would you be more accepting of your rhythm if you saw yourself in the tides? 

Sunday No 241

Have you been adding more pots to the stove than you have burners? 

Where are you telling yourself you must be different (smarter, kinder, faster, more organized, etc) than you currently are? 

What do you resent these days? 

How in touch with your heart have you been lately? 

How are you perceived by others? 

What's something you want to do in the next year that you've never done before? 

What would your creative self like to do this week? 

What kind of energy, or quality of being, would you love to be filled with? 

Is there anyone in the world to whom you should apologize? 

What does your soul need today?  

Sunday No 240

When do you start to feel anxious and stressed? 

What do you need less of? 

What are you paying attention to? 

How connected do you feel to the people around you? 

What aspects of yourself need healing now?

How do you feel about the choices you've been making this past week? 

Is your behavior aligned with your values? 

Who do you want to build a deeper relationship with? 

What helps you find internal spaciousness? 

What is the next doable step you could take this week to bring you into greater alignment with your financial well-being? 

Sunday No 239

Who do you do favors for or rearrange your schedule to accommodate?

What ways of being are no longer sustainable? 

What media experiences do you choose to let go of for this week? 

When you consider the next few days, where do you automatically assume you can't -- can't love yourself, can't get something done, can't find the time, can't accept something? 

Do your daily tasks align with how you want to spend your time? 

If you had one year to live, what would you no longer care about? 

What pleasure does your body crave this week? 

Is there anything from the past that is still holding you back? 

How can you support yourself in becoming the person you most want to be? 

What do you need right now more than anything else? 

Sunday No 238 

What are you hiding? 

What are the major points of friction in your day when you feel overextended, worn down, and overwhelmed? 

What don't you want others to know about who you are? 

Where are you being inauthentic? 

What is your family narrative around intimacy? 

What do you not want to admit to yourself? 

What stops you from doing good work? 

What excuses do you use to avoid creating the life you really want? 

Are your relationships with those you love improving or deteriorating?

What have you healed in the last 3 months? 

Sunday No 237

What are you most committed to these days?

What have you cultivated in the past that you want to leave behind now? 

Are there any money shames you need to heal? 

Where are you saying yes to others by saying no to yourself? 

Where in your life can you start to choose you more?

What's the most absolute important thing you could do for yourself in the next 2 years? 

What opportunities exist within your world, with the stuff you life, and stuff you are good at? 

What activities offer you benefits equal to or greater than the amount of energy you put into them? 

What internal power source that was previously hidden from you is being revealed? 

What's a good day at work look like for you? 

Sunday No 236

What's the loudest message you are receiving about money right now? 

What do you see that needs to be changed? 

What are you most afraid of or worried about these days? 

What impossible thing did you make it through in your life? 

What 3 things make you happy? 

What contributions (or values) are the people you spend time with adding or taking away from your life? 

Who in your life is a good listener, and do you talk to them enough about what matters? 

What gift could you offer someone this week? 

What kinds of tools and resources do you need to most fully optimize your potential? 

What kind of physical space do you need to get the most out of you? 

Sunday No 235 

What time commitments/activities take away from your world rather than add to it?

Have you been forgetting something you need to be yourself? 

How would your life be different if you always honored your plans? 

How much of your life have you missed from over-or-under planning? 

What would truly nourish you today? 

What type of environment do you need to thrive? 

What would help you love and accept the things you have to do this week? 

How do you maintain connection with people in your life? 

What's your favorite family tradition, and how could you recreate it into a new family tradition? 

Which living person do you most admire right now? 

Sunday No 234 

If you could give everyone in the world 1 gift, what would it be?

What boundaries need to be in place for you to be generous? 

Are your beliefs and private thoughts supporting you?

Where do you exhibit traits of learned optimism in your life?

Where do you exhibit traits of learned helplessness in your life?

What would it be like to treat yourself as your most beloved friend? 

What request do you need to make, and of whom do you need to make it?

What would you do if you weren't afraid of doing it wrong? 

Are you ready to fully step into the worth of what you want? 

What does your heart need this week?

Sunday No 233 

What has deepened in your life in the last 3 months? 

What internal power source that was previously hidden to you is being revealed?

Do you have any unrealistic expectations? 

If you are not growing/living/manifesting at the rate you want, where are you hiding? 

What inner truth are you trying to avoid by using social media? 

Where are you turning outward, thinking that more information is what you need, when really you've got lots of ideas and answers inside?

What part of your life, body, or emotions wants your attention? 

If you "own" your value more, will you earn, spend, and save differently? 

What life would you live if you were given $10 million tomorrow? 

If you have 2 years left to live, where would you be, who would you be with, and what would you be doing? 

Sunday No 232 

What do people frequently misunderstand about you?

What's the biggest lie you believed about who you are?

What makes some people succeed and some fail (in your opinion), and what traits do you hold?

What do you want out of life? 

What matters most to you? 

How do you lead, motivate, and collaborate in your life? 

Where do you find your inspiration? 

What do you want in comparison to what you are experiencing? 

What have you come here to do with your life? 

Who are your teachers on this path of love?

Sunday No 231 

What are 5 words you would use to describe yourself this week? 

What were your parents' attitude about money?

What is the dominant feeling attached to your urge to spend money in any moment? 

Do you have to not have money in order to get more money into your life? 

What are you doing when you feel you are at your best?

What do you want to cultivate in your life? 

What boundaries need to be in place for you to be in your integrity? 

How do you practice staying peaceful in unstable or uncertain times? 

Are you waiting for someone to thank you or give you recognition? 

What are you serving now: resentment and manipulation, or joy and inspiration? 

Sunday No 230

What supported you most this last year? 

What is working in your life right now? 

What do you want to finish already? 

When you look in the mirror, how do you feel? 

Are there any recurring feelings from childhood that seem to pop up in your relationships (such as feeling unheard, unseen, powerless, abandoned)?

When people ignore you or withdraw from you, do you feel frightened and lonely? 

What is the predominant thought that comes to mind about your parents’ relationship?

Are you able to cultivate lasting friendships? 

What will be important to you in a year? 

If you suddenly received $1 million, what is the first thing you would buy? 

Sunday No 229

How do you feel about earning, spending, and saving money?

How grown up are you, with money?

If someone described you, what would they say? 

What unhelpful habits do you wish to change? 

Is there a current situation in which you are doing too much and draining your energy? 

What new relationship to authority is required for your playing bigger? 

What do you think you are destined for in this life? 

What are you doing on a weekly basis that brings joy and connection into your life? 

What can you bring into the world as a service to it?

What do you need to release in order to have the impact you are here to have? 

Sunday No 228

What do you want to be and do today? 

What sounds meaningful at this time? 

What has changed in the last 12 months? 

What do you know to be true now that you didn't know a year ago? 

What do you hope will be different 10 years from now?

What does leveling up in the next 3 months look like for you?

Were you given a financial education on an emotional, practical, or spiritual level? 

What's the connection between value and money for you?

Are you in relationship with people who are good for your nervous system? 

What have you learned to be good at that drains you?

Sunday No 227

What do you have too much of? 

Think about your last 3 money interactions: how did each one feel? 

What decisions, judgments, and associations have you made about money? 

What is a habit or pattern of behavior you are ready to shift? 

Who do you need to write an angry (unsent) letter to? 

Are there any toxic relationships that need to go or to have big boundaries put in place going forward? 

What do you say to yourself when you succeed? 

What relationships do you want to acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate? 

When do you feel your best? 

How can you live a little bit more today? 

Sunday No 226

What are 5 words you would use to describe yourself today?

What new habits or behaviors would you like to strengthen? 

What are you calling in, or intending for, the next 12 months? 

Are your goals your own, or simply what you thought you should want? 

How full are your resources right now, in terms of money, energy, and time? 

How would you show up differently if abundance was your reality?

What is your version of where the greatest happiness is to be found? 

When was the last time you allowed yourself to do what makes you feel beautiful? 

What stories do you tell yourself? 

'When you need a friend, who do you call? 

Sunday No 225

How is your year going so far? 

How do you want your life to be different next year? 

What do you most want out of life? 

What's one thing you did this past week that you'd like to stop doing? 

Do you typically fight with others or with yourself?

What part of you have you disowned or marginalized?  

Who in your life inspires your best, and why?

What would you like to be if you had the option? 

Reflecting on your life today, are you open and receptive, or closed off from and relatively unaware of the subtle Spirit realm around you?

What are you waiting for, and why are you waiting? 

Sunday No 224

What role do your relationships have when things are challenging?

What kinds of interactions are most disruptive to your peace?

What role do your relationships have in your daily routine? 

How do you spend your time? 

Are you really showing up for yourself?

Is there some part of yourself that you are not accepting?

Are there any areas of your life that may be unsatisfactory to you (and if so, what is wrong)?

How does creativity fit into your day? 

Assume that your dream job has arrived: what would that mean for you?

What would be your "rich-life" vision?

Sunday No 223

What are your home and work spaces like?

How are your relationships with your family of origin?

What emotion would you like to learn how to be more comfortable with?

Do you believe harm is always trying to come to you? 

What ways does fighting for control add stress to your life? 

What happens to your body when you are exerting control energy? 

Do you know why you're showing up the way you are in your life? 

Where are your old habits and coping strategies keeping you from really letting go? 

What could you do each day to find the quiet necessary to listen to the truth within? 

Sunday No 222 

What do you spend your time thinking about?

Where does your mind tend to go when it is not being managed?

What does your day look like? 

What are some activities you love to do but don't because of time constraints?

Are you in a rest and integration phase or a change and metamorphosis stage? 

How does your current job fit into your long-term strategy for building the right career for you? 

What do you love to do, and how could you get paid well to do it? 

Who from your past are you still trying to get acceptance from? 

How would you show up differently if lovingness was your reality? 

If you had to describe who you wanted to be in 3 words, what would those words be? 

Sunday No 221 

What requires your patience this week?

What have you been searching for? 

What path do you want to walk in life? 

What are the things you imagine that will bring you moments of happiness? 

Did you feel treasured growing up? 

What state of mind are you practicing right now to help you in times of stress?

What new thing can you do, or old thing you can stop doing, to begin to conserve emotional energy in your daily life?

Who in your life understands you best, and why? 

If you had the life you think you want, what would be your daily routine? 

What would be the next level of abundance in your life (not just money but also community, relationships, health, housing, etc)?

Sunday No 220 

What income level would allow for healthy financial well being?

What is something you'd like to do if you have the means to do it?

What do the perfect moments with your friends, family involve?

When did you last feel envy for someone or something? 

Have you ever skipped an event because you weren't comfortable with how you looked, and if so, what would you say to yourself now?

What emotions do you have a hard time feeling? 

What triggers you back into unconscious actions, behaviors, and reactions? 

Where in your life do you find joyous resistance? 

What are you outgrowing? 

Sunday No 219 

What kind of relationships do you want to have? 

What do you want your home to look and feel like? 

How much money do you want to make? 

Assume your dream life has arrived: what would that mean for you?

What have you been accused of being too much of? 

Is there a situation in which you believe you were betrayed and you cannot move past? 

What do you generally believe about others? 

What can you do to create a more nourishing week ahead?

What might happen to your life if you started truly looking after yourself? 

What would it feel like to be vibrantly healthy in your day to day? 

Sunday No 218

What do you believe about earning money? 

What are the emotions that come up for you around money? 

Is your relationship to money calling for support right now? 

What does it take for you to center yourself? 

Where does your work tend to get bogged down? 

What does it feel like to be alive? 

In what areas of your life could you use the assistance of your Spirit and spirit guides?

How much lived experience do you need to know it is safe?

Are you allowing or resisting any change in your life right now? 

What would have to start happening now for you to enjoy superb health and fitness in the future? 

Sunday No 217 

How do you take care of yourself? 

Do you take daily time to nourish yourself? 

What goals feel like giving yourself a big important gift -- the gift of fulfillment? 

When you are lonely, what do you reach for? 

What was the emotional climate in your house growing up? 

What are you not willing to see about yourself? 

Where in your life is your Spirit expressing dissatisfaction or unhappiness? 

What could you let go of in this moment in order to have a healthier point of view? 

What would you be if you were doing exactly what you want in life?

What are you most seeking, searching, or yearning for these days? 

 your parents emotionally available or distant?

What was it like for you growing up?

In what ways do you consider yourself emotionally wounded? 

Where in your life are you still holding onto a grudge against yourself or another person? 

Who supports you without judgment?

How would you live if you knew you were being guided? 

Where in your life are you doing things "as they should be done" but you are really hiding behind? 

What is your body asking for this week? 

What are some promises you want to make to yourself going forward?

What is the bigger picture that Spirit wants you to see?

Sunday No 215 

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a "state of emergency" are you generally in? 

When do you avoid saying no?

Where are the spaces you need to advocate for yourself more? 

Where in your life do you feel you need forgiveness from someone (owed to you)?

What do you need to hear to heal now?

Who do you need to forgive?

What does it feel like to be in your truth?

What does it feel like to be in your ego?

Who do you need forgiveness from?

Based on your current daily routines, where will you be in 5 years time?

Sunday No 214 

What needs attention in your life today? 

What is the emotional or energetic essence of the channel you're tuned to currently? 

What are the ways you've acted in love lately? 

What are you willing to do to clear and connect?

What subtle intuitive signals do you feel calling you back to your authentic self?  

Do you have any behaviors that cause you to be self-critical? If so, what are they?

Assume your dream finances have arrived: what would that mean for you? 

Your wallet is a reflection of how you feel about money. What does your wallet look like? 

What small joys bring light to your day? 

What work are you willing to do even if nobody claps? 

Sunday No 213 

What are the 3 most important events of your life to date? 

What are you holding onto that might be draining your energy? 

Are you fearful or nervous about being authentic with the people in your life? 

What are your ideas around your self-image? 

What gets you confused and frustrated? 

Do you ask for what you want? 

Is there anything you need to grieve today? 

If you died yesterday, what would you most regret? 

What new creative expression or learning experience is calling to you?

From where you are standing right now, what do you see that you most want to give and receive? 

Sunday No 212

How often in a day are you numb, busy, distracted, and disconnected? 

What are your 3 biggest fears, and why is each true for you? 

Where in your life are you telling yourself "This is just the way it's done"?

Think of a rainbow with all its hues: what color would you choose to describe yourself? 

What would have to happen, starting today, for you to create your ideal life sometime in the future? 

How can you support yourself better? 

What would change for you if you began to see yourself through a loving gaze?

How would you show up differently if peacefulness was your reality? 

What larger force or energy could you see yourself as working in alignment with? 

What would you be capable of if you trusted your own guidance? 

Sunday No 211

Who do you feel disconnected from? 

What made you angry this week? 

What is your default response when you are triggered?

Do you find yourself obsessing about the past or worrying about the future, and if so, what are the issues?

What impedes your self-acceptance? 

What does alone time look like for you? 

What would your heart love to do that your heart (or other people) say is not possible? 

What tasks make you feel like your best self? 

If you had the life you wanted, what would today look like?

What are the practices you need to line your life up with your values and beliefs? 

Sunday No 210 

What have you learned to do well in the past year? 

Where do you feel numb, uninspired, or even trapped in life? 

Are there any people you need to reduce or eliminate in your life? 

What triggers habitual negative responses or emotions in you? 

Do you often choose the path of woe in your life instead of the path of wisdom? 

Is there anything you've been procrastinating over during the past month? 

Reflect on a specific time, at work or at home, when you were acting in a way that felt natural and right.  How can you repeat that behavior this week? 

If your intuition was to offer you a guiding message this very moment, what do you imagine it would be? 

What do you want your dream job to feel like? 

What are 5 things you want to experience this next year?

Sunday No 209 

Do you feel comfortable giving and being given to?

If you could have one thing that would make your life better, what would it be? 

What do you need less of in your life? 

Do you often wish the people in your life were different than they are? 

Do you find it hard to be real with the people in your life? 

What parts of you are still compartmentalized or split off? 

What do you think you should let go of? 

What was something you wish you heard growing up? 

Have you considered re-learning something you gave up when you were younger? 

What is your intention for this chapter in your life? 

Sunday No 208 

Can you tolerate or even enjoy solitude? 

Are you enjoying your life? 

Who have you learned to be that is not actually who you are? 

Are you becoming/being someone you respect? 

What would you like more of in your life? 

30 days from now, what will be different about your life? 

What empowers you today?

How do you let your latent creativity flow? 

What is your first reaction to conflict?

Are you in relationship with people who can (and do) hold you accountable? 

Sunday No 207 

What are your current weekly (or daily) devotional practices? 

In what situations are you most likely to label another? 

What were you most reactive to today?

How have you changed since 2020?

When you are challenged, do you lose connection to your higher consciousness?

Where in your life are you trying to "make the shoe fit"?

Do you sense that there are any threads, however tiny, of vengeance and bitterness you are currently holding onto? 

What are you hiding, or hiding behind?

What is your soul calling you to do that you are not creating space for in your life? 

What could you bring into your life that would give you huge delight and joy?

Sunday No 206

What do you complain about again and again?

What are you unwilling to feel today? 

Have you, or can you, turn competitiveness into cooperation? 

What are the boundaries you need to set? 

If you had to stop doing 10% of what you're doing, what would you abandon? 

What does peace of mind feel like for you? 

What changes do you feel ready to make? 

When was the last time someone close to you shared their pain or vulnerability? 

What work or activity did you most enjoy doing recently?

What are 10 things that always make you feel recharged, reset, and alive?

Sunday No 205 

What do you like to make with your hands? 

Does anyone think you are controlling? 

Are you easily thrown off by other people's moods or opinions?

What are you generating in your life by how you're responding to challenges you're facing? 

Do you believe in a loving universe or an impartial universe?

How do you like to show, and receive, love? 

Do you eat foods that help you or foods that harm? 

What is something you think you'll want out of life five years from now? 

What does a financially abundant life look like to you? 

Who do you need to forgive in order to be free?

Sunday No 204 

What keeps your creativity flowing right now? 

What are 3 adjectives that describe you at your best? Your worst? 

Does your mind think it needs to be in control of what is felt and experienced? 

Are your habitual ways of thinking helpful or harmful?

Are you down on yourself for not accomplishing enough -- for not standing out or being special?

What feels out of reach right now? 

What goal are you not committing to because of fear?

What needs to be changed from your habits? 

How can you create conditions for yourself to allow you to be more consistently at your best?

Are you ready enough to step into fully what you want to receive?

Sunday No 203

Do you accept your emotions and moods as they are?

Do you blame yourself when you get sick? 

Do you accept your body as it is? 

Do you take care of your belongings? 

Think of a recent issue you are having: what is the gift of this frustration or power-struggle?

What vocabulary do you use when experiences happen (negative, neutral, or positive)?

What is the fundamental change to your habits or attitude that will catapult you into a clearer and contributing way of being?

What isn't there enough of? 

What do you wish people would do to make the world better, and do you do this?

Can you be more active, more present, more attentive to what's really happening, rather than to your memories or projections? 

Sunday No 202 

How do you treat others when you are truly having a bad day? 

How many excuses are you tolerating, from others and yourself? 

What in your life is creating "stench"?

What was your best failure (something that didn't go well that taught you something critical)?

If you had a magic wand, how would you change the world?

What needs to change in your boundaries to make your dreams come true? 

How can you best slow down and fill your senses with delight each day? 

What gets in the way of your self-care activities?

What blocks you from becoming conscious?

What does your life ask of you so it can emerge?

Sunday No 201 

In what ways have you been harsh towards yourself lately?

How do you act on your worst days?

Do you make it a rule to not share your true feelings?

When in doubt, do you become petty and critical? 

When babies need comfort they suck their thumb. What is your thumb?

What is one thing you could do today to relieve your stress?

What happens when you don't fuel your discomfort with a storyline?

What do you need but are afraid to ask for? 

Do you see change as opportunity?

What categories of possessions or areas of your home are most in need of reduction "in inventory"?

Sunday No 200 

What happened today that you are pleased about?

What are the things you do that provide meaning and purpose to your life? 

How many different sides of yourself do you live with each day?

What shouldn't have happened to you or your life?

What's your hidden agenda? 

What blocks your full capacity for loving? 

What was your biggest time and/or energy waster in the past week?

Are you content with the ways you tend your body? 

What goal has your gut been telling you to commit to? 

What would be inspiring for you to complete or achieve? 

Sunday No 199 

What are you not doing because of fear?

How often are you operating out of "if only" mind?

What are your common excuses?

Are you currently "the leader" you want to/are meant to be? 

Is your "origin story" one of scarcity or abundance?

Are you comfortable with nonlinear growth and transformation?

What do you need more of in your life?

What would more money bring you in your life? 

What are some outdoor places you love to spend time in? 

When things are really tough, what do you take refuge in? 

Sunday No 198 

What are 5 things you love to do by yourself?

What are 5 things you love about your life? 

What emotions are you least comfortable with?

How has your wounded inner child been in control? 

In what ways are you still drawing little bits of power from yourself?

Do you spend too much time on the internet?

Does your internet usage have an addictive quality?

What keeps you from getting a good night's sleep? 

How do you most want to serve and contribute to humanity?

Who is someone you want to get to know better in the year ahead?

Sunday No 197 

Where are you seeing lack in your life? 

What habits hold you back from your next stage of abundance?

What keeps you in habitual reaction? 

What makes you judgmental?

What active hurts and disappointments are you still struggling with? 

In what ways are you like your mother? your father?

Does love feel scary? 

Is your spiritual journey known, valued, and nourished in your romantic relationship?

Do you enhance your self-worth, and continually upgrade what you believe you can have in your life?

What are your current beliefs about self-care? 

Sunday No 196 

What big things are weighing on you right now?

What are some ways money could buy you happiness?

Do your feelings dictate your day? 

Do you nurture yourself properly? 

Are there any basic needs you must attend to right now?

Are there any challenging conversations you are hesitant to have?

Who are you trying to impress? 

How do you habitually connect with conflict?

Where will you take yourself in the coming days or weeks to learn, listen, and/or receive?

What are 3 things you love about yourself? 

Sunday No 195 

Do you often seek approval from people?

When you encounter conflict, do you feel unsafe? 

In the last few days, were there real moments of happiness?

What aspect of modern life doesn't suit you?

Do you feel like you are holding back in your life (and where)?

What percentage of your waking life feels good?

Does your dream for your life always require the act of an outsider for it to come true?

Does the state of your life, internally or externally, fall short of what you imagined?

If this next chapter of your life was to become the most meaningful and purposeful, what would it include?

What do you love to do?

Sunday No 194 

Do you have a cooperative attitude or a competitive attitude?

Who were you as a preteen? as a teenager?

What is your learned way of approaching conflict?

If you have a completely unscheduled day, do you feel uneasy or anxious, and rush to fill it in?

What are the looping narratives you want to put in the celestial trash bin?

Is your spirituality a part of yourself that you can share with your friends?

Are you forcing yourself to maintain any of your relationships? 

How are you holding your abundance and money capacity hostage?

If you have a period of smooth sailing with life, do you feel bored?

What are you great at? 

Sunday No 193 

Do you have drama in your life? 

Do you tolerate drama-prone friends or family? 

How often is your wounded inner child showing up in your life?

Are you critical and rigid in the way you go about things, or do you leave room for flow and play?

With your self-talk, what ideas do you reinforce? 

What are some negative emotions that come up again and again for you?

What relationships do you need to release that are "hanging in the air"?

How would you describe a well-lived life? 

If you had to articulate a personal mantra for the next six months, what would it be?

Who makes you laugh (and how can you spend more time with them)?

Sunday No 192 

Do you have difficulty with authority figures? 

Are you in an addictive pattern with your fears? 

What in your life feels stagnant and stuck? 

What are the ways in which your wounded inner child shows up? 

What are you hearing in your heart about moving forward today? 

What do you wish were different about your life's journey? 

When do you feel most like yourself? 

How many rejuvenating self-care activities do you perform on a daily basis? 

Are you really who you say you are? 

What are three things you could do to improve your sleep? 

Sunday No 191 

What little things bother you?

What feelings are you most prone to want to numb?

Do you feel like your life aligns with your values?

What in your life is holding you back from living your desire?

What are the ways you've been boxed in or pressured by other people's ideas about who you are or what you are supposed to be? 

What kinds of unhealthy contracts do you find yourself agreeing to?

What victimized story are you willing to let go of, and what can you take responsibility for in how you co-created the situation?

Do you look for authority figures (teachers, gurus, family, psychics, friends) for answers before you seek them in yourself?

What are you excited to talk about or share with people? 

What miracles do you want in your life? 

Sunday No 190 

How are your friendships right now? 

What did you learn about conflict from your parents? 

Do you see the world as a dangerous place? 

What is the one thing you cannot accept? 

Is your relationship with yourself toxic and overbearing?

Can you acknowledge that some of what you carry was born of childhood wounds?

What are some things you are curious about? 

How often are you investing in and actualizing your values on a daily basis?

Is your lack of fulfillment just an unconscious need for drama? 

What risks could you take right now that you have been avoiding? 

Sunday No 189 

How are you at setting and reaching goals? 

How often are you chasing after things or people? 

Are your relationships transactional? 

What habits do you currently engage with that do not serve you in the best possible ways? 

In what ways are you refusing reality? 

Is whining or complaining your mode of agency? 

Do you tend to be an angry and irritable person? 

What challenges did you face last week that you want to avoid this week? 

What would you do if you were bold? 

In what ways is your life beautiful? 

What were you doing the last time you laughed uncontrollably? 

Sunday No 188 

Are you compassionate with the limitations of yourself, or of others? 

Are you in a rut?

Who do you resent and for what?

What's a dream you once had that you no longer pursue? 

Imagine you have been gifted magic soap: what does it wash away?

How are you not meeting your own needs?

Do you have a sense of the next steps you need to take?  

Is there a new career or learning direction you'd like to explore?

What activities, places, peoples, or animals are naturally grounding for you?

What do you do that gives you a reliable sense of satisfaction? 

Sunday No 187 

What you really impatient about?

What kinds of socializing supports your authentic self?

How do you feel about your job? 

How do you spend your time when you are away from your job?

Where are you over-giving?

Do you feel out of alignment with the natural flow of life?

Have you had any experiences this week where you felt your behavior was affected by unresolved trauma?

In what ways are you othering yourself, judging yourself, holding expectations of who and how you should be?

What is it that you wish wasn't a part of your life? 

How many things in your life have become habits that no longer serve you?

Sunday No 186 

Growing up, or now, in your family, was it safe to say what you were feeling? 

What superstitions did you inherit from your family? 

What unfinished communication might be creating obstacles in your life? 

Do you use your words to hurt others or to try and empower them? 

Do you allow other people to drain your energy? 

How often do you fail to keep your promises (including being late for appointments)?

What aspects of yourself are you unwilling to hear the truth about? 

Do your thoughts, words, and actions agree?

Do you live your truth?  

Do you have meaningful work? 

Sunday No 185 

Is there anyone you have unfinished communications with?

What have you gained or lost because of your body image? 

How do you manage your sleep needs?

What's your relationship to stress?

Where are you spending most of your energy each day: feeding your dreams or feeding your fears?

What's really getting in the way of you saving more money? 

Are you devoted to the wrong people? 

What conversation or issue are you avoiding? 

What could you do to initiate deep healing in your life? 

How can you be much more generous to yourself? 

Sunday No 184 

What's your take on eating well?

What's something you learned this year? 

When you feel unfocused and ungrounded, how do you normally respond?

What is the one thing in your life that most depletes you?

Do you surround yourself with people who are focused on growth and giving, rather than greed and taking?

What do you repress in yourself?

Are people tired of helping you?

What form would your shadow take if you were to allow its expression? 

What in your life is unnecessary and taking up space? 

What's a lack in your life that's being filled by cravings or bad habits? 

Sunday No 183 

Were your parents optimists or pessimists?

What do you look for outside of yourself that you can look for inwardly?

Throughout the day, what are you denying or limiting yourself?

What irrational, overreactive fears invade your consciousness most?

How do you feel when it's time to get to work?

What role does fitness/movement play in your life?

As you reflect on your daily living, who are your social supporters?

How can you raise the vibration of love in your life? 

What do you know in your heart you are supposed to be doing with your life? 

What is the feeling you are seeking today?

Sunday No 182

Is there a certain color you need in your life right now?

What are your escape dreams?

What is your go-to stress response?

How do you tend to handle your time?

How much of your day do you spend thinking about how others have harmed you or held you back?

What can you no longer tolerate? 

Do you realize you have complete control over how you choose to feel?

Do you need permission to heal?

What foods make you feel good about yourself when you eat them? 

What would need to shift in you to make your dream life happen? 

Sunday No 181 

In what situations do you feel victimized and powerless? 

How do you see yourself in relation to money? 

What part of your life could you nurture to foster more overall contentment? 

Why are you here at this point in your life? 

What have you denied or allowed yourself because of your perception of your appearance?

What percent of your life is reserved for playing, exploring, and creating? 

Is there a class or workshop you've been meaning to take? 

What group activities do you most enjoy? 

What do you do that adds remarkable, measurable, distinguished, distinctive value to your life? to the life around you?

What is your deepest desire for your career and your life?

Sunday No 180 

What is a negative thought you keep thinking?

How would you describe the state of your home?

How do you tend to handle money?

What aspects of yourself have you chosen to suppress?

Are you okay with who you are?

What truth are you avoiding? 

Are you able to accept change in your life without resisting?

What kind of life do you want for your family?

What's something you experienced for the first time?

What is wanting to find expression through you into the world? 

Sunday No 179 

What do you wish you had more time for? 

What do you need in order to grow more deeply?

Do you have a dream that never quite comes through?

Do you often feel left out, or isolated from others?

Are you showing up in your life the way you want?

What do you want to be remembered for?

Do you have a problem managing your peace when you encounter challenges?

Which moments each day are you "throwing" away?

When you are at your strongest, who are you listening to?

Sunday No 178 

Are you alert, focused, and happy to be alive?

What's on your calendar because you love it? 

Are you honoring your body's calls for rest and relaxation?

What is your body trying to tell you?

What emotions did you repress today?

What are you avoiding or escaping right now because you are afraid?

How do you feel about yourself?

What secret fear lives in the "basement" of you?

Where are you seeking advice or approval in your life from people who may not be qualified or right in the first place to do so?

What teams do you/would you need in place to make your dream life happen?

Sunday No 177 

What are you unresolved needs?

What does your environment need in order to be made whole?

Do you often think about changing your life but never get past daydreaming about it?  What's one small thing you can do today?

What are you interested in that you haven't tried yet? 

What would it be like for your dream life to show up on your doorstep?

Did your parents ever express judgments of others about money issues?  If so, who did they judge?

What past money mistakes do you need to forgive yourself for?

What gifts did last year bring you?

Where can you dare to lead in absolute truth, transparency, and vulnerability?

What are your circumstances calling you to do?

Sunday No 176 

Are you actively appreciative of your current life? 

Do you mistake feeling less for feeling better?

How often do you feel you lack companionship?

Did anything happen this last year that needs to be forgiven?

What do you most need to know from your intuition to console or help you today? 

If you were creating yourself anew, who would you be?

What do people do that you most love?

What new habit or practice would you like to develop over the next two months?

What can you do to better support your own success?

If we were to meet a year from now with champagne, what are we celebrating?

Sunday No 175 

Who are your teams in your life? (career, relationship, friends, family, guides)

What do you want to create in the world? 

What could you do today to move closer to your dream? 

If you were "good enough" what would you do?

What is the truth of your current situation for you?

What lesson do you need to learn again? 

What does life want from you? 

Do you often forget to follow through on commitments?

Where and with whom are you failing to show up authentically? 

Imagine you are living as nature designed you to live: what would you be doing?

Sunday No 174 

Does your anger involve blaming others?

Where have you been compromising yourself to get along instead of being your true self?

What are your hopes with regard to body image and self-acceptance -- either personally, or for the world? 

What do you do to keep your body active?

What do you think would  make you feel more confident? 

Where do you need to stretch your belief muscle? 

Does your job allow you to do what you do best every day?

What does your home space encourage? 

If you were looking back over your life at 90, what would be your regrets?

Where does your life need to go next? 

Sunday No 173 

What is the vision for your life, and what career will support you in manifesting that vision? 

Do you prioritize other things in your life because you are scared of doing something you really want to?

How often does tech or TV grab your attention during the day?

When do you experience sacredness?

Where in your life are you being a martyr?

What are you going to do today to take care of yourself?

Where can you now step up, where in the past you would have been fearful?

What is your ideal seasonal life rhythm right now?

If you could call yourself 10 years ago and speak for 1 minute, what would it say?

Do you perform spirituality or do you embody it as it arises?

Sunday No 172 

Who do you want to be when crisis hits?

Do you make promises you can't keep? 

Consider how you give and receive: are you in balance with both?

What is your biggest pain point right now?

Look around you right now: what is wrong with the picture?

Where are you reluctant to creating ease for yourself?

What are the themes you want to experience on your life journey?

Who are some people you want to spend more time with this year?

Think about your ideal you: what are some of the ideal daily rituals?

Who are your spiritual mentors? 

Sunday No 171 

What have you learned about yourself during the pandemic?

How does your time on social media usually make you feel?

What would a magical blessing be in your life right now?

What unresolved issue do you often revisit with anger?

Where are you not asking for help?

Do you feel held back because you don't have the right support in place?

What are you avoiding?

What are your biggest time sinks?

Do you have an open heart or a fearful one?

What creates a sense of safety for you?

Sunday No 170 

Which foods make your body feel not its best?

What are you tired of feeling, and what makes you feel that way?

What do you do, or don't do, to gain attention?

What is the pain you want to avoid?

Is your sense of self built on a reactive self?

Where do your internal conflicts come from?

Where are you not co-operating?

What do you want to be true at the end of the year?

What are you truly hungry for?

What are you ready to see?

Sunday No 169 

Where are you most afraid?

What kinds of negative things do you say to yourself?

Who has made it hard for you to be vulnerable?

What prevents you from keeping a regular meditation practice?

Do you complain there's no time to do what you really want but you actually spend too much time on social media or TV?

Do you engage in too much of any substance, whether it be food, drugs, smoking, drinking, TV, or social media?

If you could wave a magic wand and have more time, what specifically would you use it for?

What do you wish you knew when you were 20?

What is your hidden blind spot preventing you from realizing your life dream?

What do you need to know from a spiritual perspective that you cannot see with your ordinary eyes?

Sunday No 168

What's your most likely form of self-sabotage?

What is something people get wrong about you?

What helps you be the most you can be?

What kinds of friends are you attracted to?

Where do you find gaps between what you preach and what you actually practice?

What colors would support your prayer life right now?

Who are your role models in their life and work?

Who would you be if your dream project was fully funded?

What changes have you been promising yourself that you can commit to now? 

What was your greatest heartbreak, and do you need to resolve anything now? 

Sunday No 167

Do you feel expansive, spacious, and nourished, or do you feel depleted, constricted, and limited?

What bad habits and unwanted behavior do you keep doing, despite adverse consequences?

What are you tolerating?

What's leading you: your heart and soul, or your past and your fears?

What are the reasons you can't love yourself more?

What are you scared to acknowledge, or speak out loud? 

How much wealth are you willing to receive before your nervous system freaks out?

Which foods help your body feel good?

What colors do you associate with the Divine?

What makes you a "weirdo"?

Sunday No 166 

What do you always want to have on hand?

Are you constantly coming up with new things to do?

Do you struggle with taking risks out of fear of what you could lose?

Are you responding from a threat-based place?

Who are the archetypes in your relationships?

What family patterns around money are you perpetuating?

Where do your gifts connect with a need in the world?

What do you want to be known for?

What has stopped you from succeeding before now?

What can you do in the next year that you'll remember for the next 50?

Sunday No 165 

Are you renouncing wealth in order to be spiritual?

What are the moods you tend to live in?

Do you feel in integrity with yourself?

How do you care for yourself under pressure?

What still shames you?

What is your relationship to time?

Are you doing what you dreamed you would do as a child?

What roles do you no longer want to have?

What do you want that you already have?

What is the thought you are having right now, and what is truth?

Sunday No 164

Have you become more stubborn as you aged?

Are you blaming rather than blessing?

How do you speak about others when they are not around?

What do you know now that you didn't know last week?

What are your shame triggers?

What lies are you telling yourself when it comes to money?

What cultural archetypes does your inner critic embody or ask you to live up to?

What have you denied yourself because of your perception of your appearance?

What brings you comfort on a daily basis?

Who do you want to be a hero to?

Sunday No 163 

What's your favorite way to decompress?

What are four words that describe how you'd like your relationship with money to be? 

Do you live beyond your means financially, emotionally, or some other way?

Do you expect as much from others as you do from yourself?

What do you need to do next to ensure you are bringing your most prosperous self into the world? 

What's your spiritual aspiration?

What are the biggest blessings of your life? 

What's your intuition telling you that you're not listening to? 

What deep-seated need is being met by your current pattern of living?

Do you feel free to be the real you?

Sunday No 162

How do you feel in your body when you wake up in the morning?

Do you have a daily practice of reflection?

What are your top three habits and everyday addictions?

What's the best thing you did this week? 

What do you spend money on that you later chastise yourself for?

Why aren't you where you want to be in your career?

Do you have the emotional fortitude to withstand the stresses of going for your biggest goals?

Have you cut off your connection to possibilities in your life? 

What's one thing you really want to experience but you keep postponing until later?

What is blocking you from experiencing real abundance?

Sunday No 161

Are you able to navigate challenges without being thrown off your internal ground?

What is the thought you are having right now, and what is the truth?

What triggers your pain body?

Is your high alert mode a habit you've taken on as an identity?

How is your desire to do the perfect thing getting in the way of your doing anything?

Are you living out the dynamics of your relationship with your parents in your life?

What changes can you make in your life to reduce stress and increase joy?

Do you know what "enough" feels like?

Think of a recent issue: is there a past-life connection to what's going on?

What was your big insight this week?

Sunday No 160

Think about something you want or wish for: What are you doing to create this lack in your life?

Who is the ideal partner for you? What are their characteristics?

How often do you give others advice, and why do you give it? 

Where do you tend to go overboard and become excessive?

What accomplishments are you proud of from the past week?

When they ask you to lead, will you be ready?

What would you like to learn or study on an ongoing basis?

Are you done with suffering?

Do you feel you need to sacrifice, or compromise, to have money and prosperity?

Are there any compliments you want to give to others in your life?|

Sunday No 159

What does being rich mean to you?

Do you feel shame when you have to work on something?

What does it take for you to be happy?

Do you hang onto hurts or things for too long?

What has to end or die so you can experience a rebirth in your relationships?

What were the moments of this week when you felt most present (free, unburdened, accepted, filled with energy)?

What season are you in right now?

To whom do you need to deliver a message, and what is the message you wish to deliver?

Looking back over the past year or two, what do you feel most grateful for?

What would you love to make the next 30 minutes, 1 hour, or day about?

Sunday No 158

Think of a recent issue: What is the meaning or lesson that is meant to bring you?

What are you rebelling against?

What do you know that you wish you didn't know?

Where are you nervous about being judged?

What could you do to make your life easier?

What would you experience, create, and feel if you had no excuses?

What calls to you, even if it doesn't make logical sense or you're certain you don't have the time or energy for it?

What's one thing you are deeply grateful for in your life?

What's one small feel-good thing you can do before you go to bed?

Think about your time: what distractions keep you from the things that matter most? 

Sunday No 157

Are you comfortable living life as is?

What are you afraid of not doing that would make a huge difference in your life right now?

What expectations are you unable to meet?

Do you feel pressed for time?

If time, money, and life logistics weren't an issue, how would you spend your time?

How would a new version of you see the world?

What boundaries do you need to put in place so you can work from a place of integrity and extend the most generous interpretations of the intentions, words, and actions of others?

Did your parents keep secrets or tell lies about money?

What's something that made you happy to spend money on it?

What do you appreciate most about yourself?

Sunday No 156

What are the most important things to you in a love relationship?

What new path, way of being, or doing, are you being called to forge?

How would you like to be known and seen?

Who has demonstrated a truly generous spirit to you?

What, apart from money, keeps you from living your purpose? 

Do you have the emotional fortitude to withstand the stresses of going for your biggest goals?

Does your inner critic echo any external critics?

What's one more way to make your morning routine a little bit more pleasurable?

This time, next year, you will feel more...?

If you could wave a magic wand and change 5 things about your life today, what would they be? 

Sunday No 155

Do you have a natural talent for something that was easy to pick up?

What is something you have learned this week?

What new skills would you like to gain next year?

Have you connected with friends or loved ones recently?

During childhood, when were you at your happiest, and how can you recapture or recreate some of those feelings in your life now?

How do you feel about yourself, and your life right now?

What would allow you to come to terms with death?

In your childhood, did you feel free to say no?

Do you feel guilty about wanting to be prosperous?

What hurts, and what is the story? 

Sunday No 154

If you had upsetting feelings today, what things did you do to cope with them?

Have you been lying to yourself about anything?

What has gotten in the way of your goals, desires, or vision? 

How often do you talk yourself out of your emotions?

What are your anxiety triggers, and the behaviors that follow?

In what ways are you failing to love, nurture, and commit to yourself? 

What activities make you feel most alive and most like your best self?

What will you do each day this week to brighten your body, spirit, and mind?

What is your unique contribution to the whole?

How can you consistently bring who you are to what you are doing?

Sunday No 153

What were your feelings throughout today?

What's a guilty go-to you have?

Think of a recent problem: what would a science-fiction solution look like?

What do you fantasize about radically changing in your life? 

How many times have you not been able to receive what life is trying to give you because you're caught up in a story of lack?

Does your schedule reflect your values and priorities?

What things are you prioritizing and doing before you do the things that make you happy?

What angers you?

What do your stories about yourself get right, and get wrong?

What part of your life could you address to foster more overall contentment?

Sunday No 152

What's working well in your life right now?

What did you want to be when you grow up?

Who are you when you are at your best? 

What's your version of "having it all"?

What habits lift your energy and sustain it?

What depletes you? 

Think of a recent problem: is this something that is being done to you or are you doing some/all of this to yourself?

What do you need to do to come out of hiding in your life?

What are you afraid to do that would make a huge difference in your life right now? 

What things did you do today to relax, laugh, or smile? 

Sunday No 151

What are your not-so-great habits or patterns?

Do you put things off until the last minute?

What areas of your life seem like they may have already peaked in terms of meaning and satisfaction you derive from them? 

Would you apply for your current job if you didn't already work there?

What are you trying to let go of that's hard for you?

Are you spending your hours the way you want?

Have you been allowing others or your own habits to take time, attention or energy from you, against your true wishes? 

What do you need to feel your best?

What's one more way to make your evening routine a little bit more pleasurable?

What is the one thing you're willing to do differently to bring more love to your life? 

Sunday No 150

What do you consider the most important lesson you learned from your parents/community/religious tradition?

What's one word you would use to describe the emotional climate of your childhood home? 

What are your automatic go-to strategies when you are triggered?

What issue or challenge has arisen in your life recently that made you say to yourself, "I thought I learned that a long time ago?"

Are you turning outward, thinking that more information is what you really need, when really you have lots of answers already inside?

When things go mostly right, do you obsess about what went wrong?

Do you give yourself a little breathing room to make mistakes?

How would your life change if you trusted that your challenges are showing up to help you heal?

What is the story you've told yourself about who you are?

If no one judged you, who would you be?

Sunday No 149

Who do you love, and who loves you?

If you exercised regularly, how would it be wonderful for you?

What have you been trying to do differently but just can't?

What's coming between you and feeling okay in this moment? 

Have you been killing anything that is alive in you -- such as passions, feelings, longings, or creativity?

What is the vision you have for your life -- something so inspiring you would sacrifice immediate pleasure to attain it?

Do you have a clear idea of what your purpose is, and how it serves?

What ingrained patterns of thinking to you need to release in order to shift your situation to a more desired one?

Why might the Universe pass you up for a "promotion"?

What can you do to bring heaven to earth today?

Sunday No 148

What did your parents teach you, consciously or unconsciously, about money?

What stories have you told yourself?

Which areas of your life no longer bring pleasure or have started to feel more like obligations?

What are you doing when you feel like a purposeful human being?

Are you downplaying or denying the parts of your life that are hard for you?

Are you often in rehearsal-mode (instead of doing-mode)?

What does your body need to feel cared for and prioritized?

Do you feel there is not enough love in your life?

What kind of people do you attract into your life?

What is the most loving use of your time this week?

Sunday No 147

Does money cause you to stay in situations that aren't fulfilling?

What belief is blocking you from allowing in more money?

Do you let people you admire steamroll over your spirit?

How is the emotional nutrition in your life?

What personal self-sabotaging behaviors do you struggle most with?

What bad habits do you need to stop?

Is what you're making or doing aligned with what people actually need?

What would make life feel ridiculously fun?

By this time next year, what will you be more of?

What are you craving on an emotional level?

Sunday No 146

Do you feel lost without your cellphone, tablet, or laptop?

What thoughts about money are blocking your flow?

What types of things do you typically judge and criticize yourself for?

Do you unknowingly use pain or illness as a means of resolution for traumas of your past?

What would help you feel adequate, then secure, and then confident?

What's on your dream outsourcing list? 

In what ways do you enjoy being kind to people?

If you woke up tomorrow and discovered that everything in life was now free, what is the first thing you would do?

How do you want to feel on the inside in five years time? Where would you be emotionally, mentally, physically?

What doesn't cost a lot of money but makes you feel rich in your life?

Sunday No 145

What is the first problem you want to solve today? 

What are some of your parents' beliefs and values you disagree with?

What do you feel you can't possibly let go of in your life?

What is heavy, weighing you down, or is burdensome in your life?

What do you imagine obstructs you from what you most want right now?

What is spirit telling you?

What are your touchstones of wellness?

What brings you calm? 

Where do you want to be in five years' time?

Are you making decisions out of a fear of losing money more than a desire to follow your passions? 

Sunday No 144

Were you better today than you were yesterday?

What are you being called to shed, or put to rest, in order to gain greater access to hidden wholeness of life? 

What part of your life needs to be shattered in order to set yourself free?

What's one thing you have been avoiding that needs completion?

What activities give you a sense of deep relief?

What are you craving on a spiritual level?

Where would you like to give your love and talent?

Is who you are in alignment with your most natural self?

What is the relationship you want with the earth?

What do you want more of in your life so you can be authentic?

Sunday No 143

What does your heart long for?

What would you learn how to do if you had all the time and resources to do so?

What makes your life feel heavy?

What do you need to become aware of?

When you are in fear, what is your relationship to the feeling? Are you wishing it will go away or can you be with it?

Do you prioritize self-help and self-growth?

Are you a helpable person or do you know-it-all when someone suggests something?

What talent would you most like to have?

If heaven assigned you your dream job, what would it be?

What new beginning are you being guided to?
Sunday No 142 

What is your first memory about money? 

How have your past bad experiences with money contributed to your current feelings about your wealth? 

Do you sometimes feel frustrated, anxious or depressed that you will fail to meet your own standards?

Do you compensate your sense of wholeness with doing things for others' approval?

What stops you from working on your dream? 

What are some of your parents' beliefs and values you agree with?

What do you refuse to forgive yourself for?

What action step can you take today that your future self will thank you for?

What little act of kindness can you do today?

What change can you make today?
Sunday No 141 

What patterns are you repeating that you'd like to shift?

In what areas of your life do you feel confused or unclear?

What thoughts of yours disturb you, and what conditions stir these up?

What are the things you do that most easily make you feel well?

What can you do to bring a sense of groundedness into your life this month?

What work or life roles do you need to play for a satisfying life?

What activities do you do that leave you feeling centered, lighter, focused and inspired, and how can you do more of these each week?

What do you want to explore more deeply?

If you could imagine a better quality of life, what would it be?

When you listen to your heart, what does it say?
Sunday No 140

Where has scarcity or lack-based thought prevented you from doing what you love?

What does your mind tell you to do when you're anxious about money?

What are you unwilling to feel, or what are you running from?

Is your schedule so full there's no time left for you? 

How is life trying to initiate you now?

Do you run away from or avoid commitments? 

What would you tell yourself 10-20 years ago that you wish you knew then? 

What is the block between who you truly are and what you most want? 

Do you feel your life is aligned with what matters to your heart? 

What can you do to show more gratitude daily? 
Sunday No 139

Are you committed to projects or people that don't resonate?  

In what ways are you different from your parents? 

When do you feel most yourself with others? 

What desire do you need to revisit? 

Who do you want to be and what's stopping you? 

Where have you allowed "no" to stop you?

Where are you not loving yourself today? 

What's your favorite way to brush off a bad day? 

What do you need to acknowledge so you can let go and heal?

What act of kindness can you do right now? 
Sunday No 138

In terms of things that you do, when do you feel most like yourself?

Does the state of your home reflect the quality of life you desire?

How do you want to feel in the evening before you go to bed? 

Are there any parts of your body that chronically hurt or struggle to function?

What is incomplete or ignored inside of you because of your belief that something about you or your body is wrong? 

What are you not allowing yourself to know?

What are you gaining by not changing in the ways you'd like to change? 

What recent situation or experience do you blame yourself for?

Where can you stop second guessing your own judgment?

What are you longing for most in life?

Sunday No 137

What stresses you out the most at home?

What threatens your peace? 

Do you overcommit yourself personally and professionally? 

In what ways are you similar to your parents? 

What dream have you been ignoring? 

Looking deeper:  what do you want that you already have? 

What is your no-fail go-to when you need inspiration?

What key elements need to be present for you to feel satisfied this year?
What would you like to do for fun in the next three months? 

What is the loudest message you're receiving now about money? 
Sunday No 136

What needs to happen in your life so it runs smoothly? 

Do your daily habits sustain you or drain you? 

Do you have difficulty meeting your own high standards? 

What are three adjectives that describe you at your worst? 

What about your attitude needs to change? 

Who taught you how to feel, and what was considered acceptable? 

Is there a part of your body you do not want to give attention and care to? 

How can you be more honest and authentic with those who are close to you?

If you trusted that Spirit was guiding you, what would you do now? .

How can you connect more deeply with nature this year? 
Sunday No 135

What is your ideal bedtime routine?

How do you want to feel in the morning?

What causes or pursuits enrich your life?

What people in your life today make you happy?

Are your childhood memories of body shame impacting your life today?

Has trying to maintain harmony ever kept you from speaking truthfully?

To be wealthier, what do you think you have to give up?

What do you allow to get in the way of your self-care? 

What does your intuition tell you that up until now you have not fully acknowledged?

What miracle have you recently witnessed?

Sunday No 134

When does your body feel most loved?

When something "more important" comes up, is the first thing to go your self-care?

How are you feeding your soul so that joy can show up and flourish?

What have you not said yes to within your own journey? 

What's your typical escape activity?

What drama can you disengage with?

What pattern is repeating in your life lately, and what can you learn from it?

What is your biggest fear about money?

What's the most joyful way for you to save money?

What's your idea of a sacred holiday?
Sunday No 133

What good thing happened this week because you showed up?

What is the silver lining of your current situation?

How would your body like to move today?

Are you loving yourself enough to stick with your self-care routines and rituals?

Do you focus more on what you do wrong or what you fail at than what you do right or well?

What skills do you have that you most enjoy using? 

If you had lived hundreds of years ago, what kind of work would you be doing?

What unfinished project can you now give new life to?  

What are you running away from?

If you could have it all, what would "all" be?
Sunday No 132

When did your childhood end? 

What wisdom or lessons from your past experiences can help you or others today?

If you could make the world better today, what three things would you tackle first? 

How do you want your life to look? 

What adds the most value to your life?

What's one area in your life/business or both that you need to take a leap? 

What could you do to be more available to give love? 

Do you feel free to frankly describe your body's needs in simple, direct language or are you withholding any feelings or information?

What would it take for you to trust yourself?

What are three adjectives that describe you at your best? 

Sunday No 131

What have you done for fun lately? 

What is the most joyful way for you to workout? 

What is your ideal amount of sleep?

What do you love about your life that you don't want to change? 

From the center of your being, what is it you want for yourself and for our world? 

What are you choosing not to see that is making you feel out of balance? 

What comes up for you when you imagine money coming effortlessly into your life? 

What story did you begin to tell yourself about money early on? 

What is the most important message your future self has for who you are now? 

If you could ask your hero or mentor advice right now about an issue you are dealing with, what would they say to you? 

Sunday No 130

What are you beginning to notice in your world? 

What would your life be like if you only did what was easy? 

What lesson has take you the longest to learn? 

What in your life are you forcing?

Do you try to control anyone with money, and if so, how do you do it? 

What have you denied yourself that you really want? 

If you could do one thing all day, what would it be? 

What's one way you could level up in the next year? 

Who, in your life, can help to hold you accountable for your growth? 

What is quarantined life teaching you so far?

Sunday No 129

What barriers do you create that keep you from what you want? 

Do you have any past failures that are plaguing you? 

What's your ideal weekday morning? 

What are three ways you could bring more mindfulness to your mornings?

How do you want love to show up in your life? 

What experiences or thoughts from the past and present feel like blockades in the way of happiness? 

What do you wish you had more time to do? 

What story are you carrying that's getting in your way?

Do you actions, friends, environment show that you love yourself? 

If you were to do something outside your comfort zone, what would it be? 

Sunday No 128

What do you worry about at 3am? 

How much of you is present when you are afraid?

What you're most painful memory related to money? 

In what area of your life are you not following a balanced way of living? 

What do you need to say but have not voiced? 

What are you avoiding right now in your life? 

What have you stopped doing that you want to start again? 

What could you do to be more available to receive love?

What's the most joyful way for you to conduct business?

What would the most successful, empowered, and true version of you be like in your body?

Sunday No 127

What has been your deepest wound regarding money? 

What are some things you want to say no to now? 

What are you still making yourself wrong for?

What are you ready to stop apologizing for? 

Who can you forgive but won't?

Is there a relationship where you are not feeling the way you want to feel in? 

What is your greatest fear about living?  

How do you cherish your time? 

What kind of person do you want to be? 

How much is your life guided by light and awareness, and how much is it driven by reactivity and denial? 

Sunday No 126

What does spiritual well-being mean to you? 

What are you intensely interested in? 

What have you been trying to overcome but haven't been able to? 

Are you still trying to get what's owed to you rather than focusing on where you need to work? 

What part of your life can you afford to re-imagine? 

What spiritual tools do you have in your toolbox that you forget to use when times are tough? 

Are there any religious or spiritual ideas, rituals, or holidays that give you a feeling of peace, power, or purpose? 

If you could have one talent that you do not naturally have, what would it be? 

Imagine you are someone who takes exceptional care of themselves:  how would you plan your day?

What do you want to be known for?

Sunday No 125

What have been your most recent worries or fears?

What do you feel most guilty about?

What have you been apologizing for lately? 

What's the last thing you freaked out about? 

What have you denied yourself that you really want? 

When do you feel most alive? 

How do you show yourself that you love yourself? 

Where does love live in your body? 

What is the most authentic and supportive next step for your spirit at this time? 

What is your inner dialogue saying to you right now? 

Sunday No 124 

When you think of your past, do you feel guilt over things you did wrong, or poor decisions you made? If so, how can you heal this for yourself now?

When are things challenging? 

Where do you feel most at home? 

Do you spend money on others as a way of earning their love?

How do you spend your time? 

How does creativity fit into your days?

What are others always asking you for? 

What is sacred to you lately?

What would the most successful, empowered, and true version of you be like at home?

The practices from our teachers carry blessings:  how do you carry these blessings forward?

Sunday No 123 

What are your default settings for reacting to frustration?

What memories do you have of times your parents or family members did not act maturely, and what early decisions subconsciously did you make regarding that maturity?

What do you spend your time thinking about? 

How long are your days? 

What does your mind think about your weight? 

Imagine yourself in three years: what do you hope will be different about your life then compared to now?

What stories are you telling yourself that are holding you back?

What happens if you lean forward into living, instead of coasting through? 

What is your greatest fear about dying?  

What kind of healing do you most need? 
Sunday No 122 

What activities get you out of your head and into the zone? 

What could you do to bring more creative energy into your life this year? 

What are five things you need help with? 

What needs aren't being met in your life? 

How are you standing in your own way?

Have you been looking for someone to fill your need for connection? 

What action step can you take despite your insecurity or lack of confidence? 

Where do you see doubt showing up in your life?

What do you know now in a deeper way than you knew it before?

What does your soul need to do? 

Sunday No 121

What are some insecurities that are creeping up on you?

Where have you been playing it safe? 

What conversations are you avoiding right now? 

What are you supposed to be doing with your life?

What are the stories/beliefs about yourself you've been holding onto that inhibit your freedom? 

What did your family teach you about money?

Are your ideals your own or just what you've been taught to believe? 

When have you felt truly loved and cared for, whether by yourself or another?

What will give you a sense of purpose? 

What activities make you feel really useful, alive and strong?

Sunday No 120

What does your mind think about your body?

When did you last feel envy for someone, or something?

What, if anything, in your life is making things bad? 

What are things you imagine will bring you peace? 

What do your perfect moments involve?

What kind of relationships do you want to have? 

What do you want your home to look and feel like?

What would you do with an extra $100,000 per year?

What is your faith in the future? 

What shape is your spiritual life in?

Sunday No 119 

What are you really good at but never want to do anymore?

What occupies your mind when you're trying to rest?

Where are you not enjoying your time or contributing your gifts?

Do you treat yourself with tenderness?

What are you scared of when it comes to pursuing your desires?

What would the most successful, empowered, and true version of you be like at work?

What was something you wanted to do when you were younger that you still want to do?

What expert do you wish would come teach you what they know?

Where can you be more unapologetic about what brings you joy? 

Sunday No 118 

Where do you find yourself feeling pulled between two directions or decisions?

What dream person would you invite over for dinner, and what advice would they give you?

When difficulties arise, do you find yourself reacting impulsively and emotionally, or are you able to accommodate what is happening?

What's in the way of your clarity?

What does your ideal life look and feel like? 

What area of your life can you take more of a leadership role in?

Do you struggle with behavior that comes from low self-worth?

What new habits can you start to feel more productive and at ease in your daily life?

When you let your imagination run toward being spontaneously generous, can you identify any fears that arise in you that cause you to hold back?

What's the most loving thing you can do for yourself right now?

Sunday No 117 

What's one misconception people have about you?

How has your past hurt your ability to move forward?

What do you do that leaves you feeling depleted?

What plan feels forced or like it no longer fits in your life?

What situations or people waste your time?

What do your thoughts center around when they are free to roam?

How do you restore harmony to yourself?

What's your heart and soul urging you to do?

What are some things that make you feel rich that cost nothing, or almost nothing, at all? 

Who are three women you'd like to know better?

Sunday No 116

In what ways are you untrustworthy?

Are you sabotaging your success in some area of your life by not completing things?

Where does someone else have to lose so you can win in your life?

What past situation have you been romanticizing?

What are your signature traits that you are tired of apologizing for?

What can you do this week to reshape your narrative?

What tool, object, or ritual could you not live without in your workday?

What do you want most for your life?

What could you do to achieve your 1 year plan in the next 6 months?

What new and positive belief structure can you put into place to support you to keep your heart open? 

Sunday No 115

Where are you stuck in your relationships?

Do you feel guilty if you spend money on yourself, and if so, why?

What are some emotional/mental blocks that might be holding you back from earning more money? 

Are you afraid to succeed?

How are you making things more difficult than they need to be?

What has the universe been asking you to release?

Where have you been hesitating to take action?

What makes you happy right now?

What time or place in history would you like to visit?

What are you intensely interested in?

Sunday No 114 

When it comes to your finances, what exactly do you want? 

Are you looking to yourself to feel the way you want to feel, or are you relying too much on others to help you feel?

What is something you want, but feel like you will never have? 

Do you share your problems or your joys with people?

How well do you sit with not-knowing when the suffering you are experiencing is close to overwhelming?

Have you been cheating on your future by thinking thoughts of your past? 

Can you remember a critical piece of feedback you received that was really difficult to hear, and what made it hard?

What "flaw" can you accept today?

What do you do daily to feel w hole and awake?

What are three hobbies or interests you'd like to explore more next year?

Sunday No 113

When you look back on your past, is there anything you can remember that troubles or upsets you?

What parts of you do you miss from childhood? 

What do you suppose you are missing that can fulfill you?

What dreams have you denied yourself, or failed to develop?

Who is holding you back?

In what ways are you trustworthy?

What activities make you feel really alive, useful, and strong?

What, if any, intuitive qualities would you like to develop? 

What kind of community would you like to be a part of?

What type of life, career, and income do your really want?

Sunday No 112

What part of your responsibilities are you avoiding right now?

What do you feel resentful about?

Where in your life do you feel a lack of freedom and flexibility?

Where have you been forcing yourself to heal faster than what feels right? 

If someone was to go and speak to people who don't think very highly of you, what would they say?

If you were magically given three more hours per day, what would you do with them?

How can you create what you crave?

Where do you feel blocked giving and receiving love?

How can you really show up as a listener in your life?

When you are on your deathbed, what will success mean?

Sunday No 111

What person (famous or not) would you like to shadow for the day?

What emotional states have you unknowingly invited into your life this week?

What mistakes are you afraid to make again?

Do you focus on the people that love you, or the ones that won't return your calls?

Do you keep running into the same kind of difficult person who shows up in your life?

How can you use the last terrible thing that happened to you to expand your heart?

What do you need on your worst day?

If you had an extra hour, week, or month of free time, how would you spend it?

What are your heartfelt goals for your life?

Sunday No 110

What does being rich mean to you?

What's something that you currently spend money on but shouldn't? 

When did you last feel guilty?

Are you holding on to resentment and judgment about someone in your life? 

What in your life do you feel most grateful for? 

In what ways can you be kinder to yourself?

How do you respect yourself as shown in your daily or weekly practices? 

What kind of support will make this next season magical and meaningful?

What beautiful next step do you want to create for yourself?

What is your kindling: what feeds and nourishes your life? 

Sunday No 109

What would feel like love right now?

When have you experienced the most joy in your life? 

How is happiness showing up in your life these days? 

Where are you stuck in your life?

Do you start more things than you finish?

What's holding you back from more money? 

What are your thoughts trying to get you (or others) to do in order for you to feel peaceful?

What is your fear trying to tell you? 

What does home feel like to future you?

How can you live a larger, more loving life today?

Sunday No 108

What does being at home within yourself feel like? 

Have you stepped back from participating in your own life? 

Are you attached to what people think of you?

When do you waste the most time? 

How do you want to be in the world? 

What new habits can you create to become your highest self? 

What kind of movement today would feel like love?

What situation in your life turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

How do you define dignity, and do you bring it to all you do?

What can you do today or this week to inspire yourself? 

Sunday No 107

What's your favorite thing to do when you come home from a long day? 

What is slipping through the cracks in your life? 

What do you wish you didn't have to do anymore? 

Where have you been settling? 

How can you create a more nourishing week ahead? 

Does anyone try to control or manipulate you with money?

Who in the world would you like to spend a day with?

What dream have you ignored, but keeps coming back?

What early decisions did you make about love and relationships, and can you remember why they were made?

How could you bring more love into your life this year? 

Sunday No 106

How would you describe your mental state in three words?

Do you experience a lack of enthusiasm in your life? 

When you feel the fire for life, where in your body do you feel it?

What do you need to unpack to prepare for joy?

How can you live into a bigger life than this one? 

What healthier habits can you start this week?

Are you abandoning yourself day-to-day to care for others? 

What are three beautiful moments you'd like to experience in your day?

What are you feeling about money right now?

If you had an extra $500 or $1000, how would you spend it?

Sunday No 105

What combination of things makes you feel you have enough?

How can you be kinder to yourself today?

What "flaw" that you hide from others can you now reveal or make real peace with? 

What obstacles lie between you and a deep sense of belonging? 

In what ways can you begin to appreciate yourself more? 

What kind of person do you need to become in order to realize your dream? 

What are you ready to release for your highest good? 

What were you born to do? 

What long-term success are you working to create?

Which three people, actions, or outcomes inspire you most, and what is common to them? 

Sunday No 104

What are the places you feel most connected to? 

With whom do you feel most at home?

Where do you turn when you decide to improve the quality of your life? 

What current situation in your life have you been resisting?

What are you so tired about?

Can you notice any patterns emerging about how you act?

What are you trying to postpone or avoid by spending money on today?

Do you consider yourself an intuitive person? 

What are you committed to now planting in your life for the coming year?

What is your super power? 

Sunday No 103

Who are your favorite types of people?

What has been your biggest challenge to be in relationship with others?

What prevents you from being truly present in your life now?

Where in your life do you feel forced to take action? 

What are in your life are you least satisfied with?

How would you describe your workspace in three words?

What is your gift to share?

Why are you the right candidate for your dream job?

What can you do this week to help yourself feel more safe and trusting?

If you had to sum up your life in six words, what would they be?

Sunday No 102 

Is there more of you that could be present right now?

What did you do yesterday that may have had a negative impact on your health?

Where have you been focusing too much on the outcome? 

Where can you be more courageous with your heart? 

Do you have excuses or beliefs about what income you're allowed to earn?

What did you admire most about yourself this week?

What promise can you keep to yourself? 

How do you recharge your batteries? What makes you feel refreshed?

If you are already the change you wish to see in the world, what are you doing? 

Is there a difference between your outer life and your inner life? 

Sunday No 101 

What do you love to do that you wish you could get paid for?

How do you bring your priorities into your daily life? 

When do you give so much to others that you harm yourself in the process?

What do you feel is the hardest part of being in relationship with yourself?

What is a fear or challenge that keeps you up at night?

Who are you listening to:  the voice of intuition, or the voice of deception?

In what ways can you listen to your intuition more?

What can you do everyday to help you open yourself up to new opportunities?

What would you do with an extra boost of life energy? 

What do you want to "make up" next in your life? 

Sunday No 100 

What did you learn last week?

What beliefs about yourself do you refuse to let go of?

What are the rules you learned about money and wealth, and what you can or cannot have?

Do you regularly experience insecurity or agitation?

Where have you blocked yourself from feeling? 

What growth are you procrastinating on? 

What did you love to do as a child that you could start doing today?

When do you feel most at home with yourself?

What do you need to do to feel the way you want to feel?

What do you wish you could do to better the planet?

Sunday No 99

What would your life be like now if you had the full and unconditional support of your family from the beginning?

Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?

How would you describe your current home in three words? 

How do you plan on living a very good life to the very end?

What do you dearly want to accomplish? 

Where in your life do you get blocked?

What are three things about yourself that you love?

What does leading with love look like for you?

What would someone pay you $100 an hour to teach them about? 

What's the most urgent, visceral need you have right now in order to feel alive, happy, and at home in yourself? 

Sunday No 98

What are you good at and find interesting?

What has happened in your life that you are particularly proud of? 

How much control do you feel in your life? 

Do your daily habits and behaviors make you feel better or worse about yourself?

When are you at your most aware and awake version of yourself?

What is the hallmark of your identity? 

In moments of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?

What are you learning on the way to reaching your goal? 

Who do you want to be remembered as?

In what ways can you celebrate yourself more this month?

Sunday No 97

Who are you trying to please today?

What idea about yourself are you holding onto so tightly that you don't want to consider other possibilities?

Are you able to assess what is truly dangerous to you vs what is simply discomforting?

How can you be more okay with where you are today?

What has your intuition been trying to tell you lately?

What are some situations that tend to try your patience, and what's one thing you can try this week to avoid that trap? 

In what ways do you need support? 

Who are three people who have taught you how to love? 

Is there a secret dream or desire that keeps getting put on the back burner that you'd like to devote more time to?

Where do you feel broken? What steps can you take to release this internal pain? 

Sunday No 96 

What does unconditional support mean to you?

What did you miss the chance to do? 

What area of your life have you become disenchanted with, and what is that trying to tell you?

What fears do you have around death and dying?

What are the words you'd use to describe your current attitude about your life right now? 

Where are you most reliable, disciplined, and focused?

What are the sights, sounds, scents, and textures that feed your spirit, and how can you bring more of it into your home or work spaces?

What kind of life can you devote yourself to this coming year?

What would be your ultimate fantasy routine for the evening? 

Sunday No 95

If you are holding onto anger, how can you be with it in a healing way?

How often do you feel centered, with a real sense of connection to your work, friends, family, and the natural world?

Who is someone you long to have a deeper, more genuine connection with?

What unjoyful thing can you remove from your life?

What lesson is taking you the longest to learn?

What have you been avoiding out of fear?

What form does inner authority take in your life now, and who is it fashioned after? 

When do you feel most connected to Spirit?

What does being a wealthy person mean to you?

Where can you show more of your true self? 

Sunday No 94

Who are you today?

What are you trying to make happen in the next three months?

What have you always wanted to do that you haven't done yet?

What do you want to do everyday?

If nothing at all changed, what will your life look like in 5 years?

How has fear dictated your actions lately?

Who are you trying to punish?

What's the best decision you made lately?

How is life asking you to grow right now?

What lesson is taking you the longest to learn?

Sunday No 93

What would be your ultimate fantasy routine for the morning?

What would you do if you had more money?

What's the next best thing you can do to be the author of the right vibe in your own life?

Are there any areas that need your attention, like your health, a relationship, work, or financial concerns?

Where can you ask for help, and who can you let in?

What expectations are you ready to release?

Are you afraid of achieving your dream goal and living the life it needs to exist?

Think about all the roles you play in your life:  if you had to give up all but one, which one would you keep?

Who is someone you'd love to be mentored by and why?

If you had a chance to learn, what would you like to be taught?

Sunday No 92

How do you react to authority? 

How was pleasure and fun regarded in your family?

If you were trusting of life, what would your life be like?

What were you blind to recently, and why was that so?

Are you playing small in your life now to keep your family or friends comfortable?

What challenges from your past can you celebrate overcoming? 

What skills would you like to learn or improve this year?

Is there any part of you that you want to send a little extra love to, right now?

What was the spirituality you practiced as a child (before you were taught another)?

Do you use your spirituality now to bypass what scares you?

Sunday No 91 

Do you hesitate on taking action by looking for advice?

How do you treat yourself when you are sick or in pain?

How often do you feel (and show) joy/enthusiasm when it is possible to do so?

In your business, or your life, what is the primary solution you want to offer the world?

On your best days, do you genuinely enjoy what you do?

If this week had a theme to it, what would yours be?

Where can you take real responsibility for your outcome this week?

What are your lifestyle goals?

What feels really nourishing in your life right now?

What bounty and blessings have you received from the universe that you want to acknowledge and celebrate? 

Sunday No 90

Who are you trying to protect? 

What beliefs do you have around death and dying?

If you died today, what would be left unlived?

What lessons are you learning right now?

In what ways are you putting others' healing ahead of your own?

How much quiet time exists in your life?

Where in your life can you surrender?

What is the deep prayer that resides in your heart? 

What can you do today to improve your tomorrow?

What is a new way you can use your gifts in service to yourself and others?

Sunday No 89

When you feel scared, what does your body do?

Have you let what people said about you set the limits for your life?

How secure do you feel within yourself?

What within you needs to be grown?

How have you been spending your free time lately?

What signs have you been misinterpreting or ignoring?

What new habit can you start today? 

What would you try if you had faith, or money?

How do you want to feel this week?

If you had a chance to teach, what would people learn?

Sunday No 88

Was affection readily expressed in your family?

Who was the central authority figure during your childhood, and how did you feel about this person?

Do you leave enough space in your life for others, or are you jamming up your world with your self?

What do you usually do with your feelings of anger? 

Is there an area of your body that is feeling creaky, shaky, or unsure?

Are you unconsciously limiting yourself to appease other people?

What activities cause you to feel useful, vital, better than before?

If you knew that your art would support your life, how would you live differently?

What's most important to you at this time in your life?

What new commitments to yourself can you honor this month? 

Sunday No 87

Are you creating your life with conscious reverence or mindless neglect?

Who is someone you'd love to work with?

Are you living a life that you can admire?

What can you do to experience more of the love and joy that are your essential nature?

How do you put love into your work?

How can you serve in a way that feels natural, exciting, or compelling to you?

How can you create more space for clarity and visioning in your day?

What does spiritual well-being mean to you?

How do you want to feel in your body?

What traffic sign best reflects your life right now?

Sunday No 86

What are three duties or commitments you feel ready to let go of over the next year?

Is there something you need to address in your life that you don't want to?

What are you enjoying most in your life right now?

If you could have anyone's job, whose would it be and why?

Why would you like to have more money?

How much money would you really need to live your dream life?

What fear do you have underneath all your reasons for why you can't be more successful?

Do you regularly take time to connect and replenish yourself in nature?

Is your life an authentic expression of who you are, or who you wish to become?

Does Spirit have plans for you that you're turning a blind eye to?

Sunday No 85

What comes naturally to you?

What stories do you have around death and dying?

Are you headed towards an uncertain financial future?  If so, what is one small step you can take today to shift the tide a little?

Do you want to find solutions to your problems, or do you only want to complain?

If this week was your last week on earth, would you be happy with how you're spending your time?

What concerns are you willing to release? 

Where have you been more focused on how you look or how you're perceived, rather than how you feel?

What is the greatest joy in your life?

What are you committed to changing?

What new patterns and habits can you invite into your life this month?

Sunday No 84

What did you do as play when you were younger?

What parts of your life today do you really love and want more of? 

How have you been limiting yourself or creating a life that's too small for you?

Where have you been worrying too much about what others think?

Are there thoughts or feelings that you try to avoid by numbing yourself out? 

Do you speak up when there is something you want?

Is there someone you'd like to bring back into your life? 

What are the words that make you feel positive, uplifted, expanded?

With whom are you most organized, keeping your word?

In order to do the work you are here to do, what self-care do you need to do every week?

Sunday No 83

What do you need to do to declare the month complete?

What is a new creation that wants to be birthed by you?

Is there something you need to say that others have left unspoken?

Are there any skills or talents you have that you are not currently using?

Where in your life are you separating yourself from reality?

What have you been unwilling to look at?

Who, or what, do you need to learn to love next?

Where is your heart guiding you this week?

What is your primary focus for next month?

What's the most deeply gratifying work you've done in the last two months? 

Sunday No 82

Do you feel energized by your work?

Are you living a balanced life?

What is the biggest lack in your life?

Think of a recurring problem you experience:  how can you expand your capacity to resolve it?

What part of your personality becomes active most frequently?

What can you forgive yourself for today? 

What items do you fill your personal and professional space with most? 

What are three things that bring you alive?

What is your next challenge in daring to be an authentic human being?

What local community or social problem do you feel strongly about?  How can you begin to contribute to the solution? 

Sunday No 81

What story are you repeating to yourself about yourself?

Who or what stands in the way of your financial security?

Does your job reflect your values?

What are you recovering from right now?

Are you blaming the world for not being more supportive and more loving toward you?

What are three unhelpful beliefs about yourself that you're ready to release?

What does your heart tell you is your purpose?

What do you want to experience in your life over the next two years?

\Where in your day do you feel most on mission?

What's your next step in answering and honoring the calling of your heart?

Sunday No 80

What are you working for?

What are you afraid might happen that would take you down?

What is preventing you from taking the path in life you most deeply desire?

What are you sensitive to?

Is there value and fulfillment in your work today?

Do you feel like certain things are missing from your life?  If so, what are they?

What aspects of the past can you now be grateful about?

What do you consistently make excuses for?

How do you find inspiration?

If you were living in total abundance, what more would you give to your family, friends, or clients? 

Sunday No 79

Who in your life are you trying to save, or convince?  What message do you want them to hear?

What has been your most painful challenge in your life?

What do you hate to do?

If money was not an issue, what kind of life and work would you choose to have?

What would be the ideal charity work for you?

What are you most grateful for?

What must you let go of to graduate to the next level of your life?

Where are you most deflecting your power right now?

What habits support your life-force?

Are your actions inspired or calculated?

Sunday No 78 

What kind of food is your brain eating each week?

When have you been unexpectedly vulnerable?

When or where is it most difficult to be your whole self?

Do you look forward to working each day?

What are you praying for right now?

What is it you want when you want more money?

Do you remember to connect with the spark and joy that's available to you daily in every moment?

What are you great at? 

What do you love to do?

What kind of impact do you want to have on others?

Sunday No 77

What do you like to be noticed for?

Are you satisfied with the contribution you have made to the world so far?

What business are you really in?

What station are you listening to inside yourself -- the uplifting station or the judgmental one?

What is the biggest trigger for stress in your life right now?

What are the problems you face regarding money?

What can be more appreciated in your life?

What does your life show you through your living space?

How can you more fully express yourself? 

When or where is it most easiest to be your whole self? 

Sunday No 76 

What would you like to never, ever, do again?

What rotten habits do you have?

Are you ready to give up your resentments?

What do you need to leave behind in order to recover your essential self?

What would be the healthiest choice for you now? 

What are the emotions you try to numb, and what emotions would you like to experience more in your life? 

If anything were possible, what would you create in your life right now?

When have you been unexpectedly strong?

How do you want to be in your life?

What do you need to learn that will help your wellbeing and happiness?

Sunday No 75 

As a child, what did you love to do? What did you want to become?

What keeps you grounded?

Who can you turn to when good things happen?  Who would be glad to hear it?

What amount of money are you comfortable with letting into your life?

Is there an event or a relationship you continually ruminate about?

How do you deal with being or feeling rushed?

What does someone else see in you that you don't see in yourself?

What would you do today if there was truly nothing to do?

What is the most important relationship in your life today?

What would saying yes to your life this month look and feel like?

Sunday No 74   

What's the experience that you're giving people?

How do you feel when you are by yourself:  do you feel comfortable, connected, and renewed, or restless and listless?

What are three things you really want to experience by the end of this year?  

When was the last time you truly let go and felt fully relaxed? 

Where in the world do you feel most at home? 

Are you comfortable with silence?  If not, how do you try to fill it? 

Where are you going in your life, and why are you going there?

What are you afraid of doing that you really want to do? 

What makes you feel cherished? 

What activities are so engaging they cause you to lose track of time?  How can do more of these next year? 

Sunday No 73

In what ways do you feel you're not good enough?

Is there anything that is difficult for you to admit about yourself?

If you made more money, is there a relationship in your life that would change?

Who in your life do you spend time with because you think you should? 

What are the obstacles that get in the way of your being successful?

Do you have time to participate in things you believe are worthwhile?

When it comes to the future, what do you worry about most?

How would you act if you were free of fear?

If you would have had the perfect childhood, what do you think you would have grown up to be?

What are the three areas in which you would like to improve over the next year?

Sunday No 72

What was your childhood bedroom like?  Is there anything that you can incorporate into your bedroom now?

How do you take care of your personal relationships?

What are your complaints about money?  What drives you crazy? What do you hate?

What sort of things have made you envious recently?

Do you relate to your anger mindfully or do you become possessed by it?

Have you met anyone recently who mirrors back to you your greatest vulnerabilities?

What do you think people usually dislike about you?

How much of your life is limited by your fear of making mistakes and/or your fear of failing?

What have you said no to that you regret?

What is important for you in maintaining a sense of peace?

Sunday No 71

How willing are you to take emotional risks?

Do you often complain about your body, despise it, or neglect it?

What's the pattern of your self-talk?

Where are you truly not present in your life?

How can you go about healing the frightened part of you that feels financially inadequate?

What knowledge can you bring to light about yourself right now?

Who are the allies you can rely on for help?

In which areas of your life are you most focused and organized?

If you were to teach as a career, what would you teach?

What do you need right now more than anything else?

Sunday No 70

Do you feel at home within yourself? 

Do you come home from your job full of life? 

Who are some people you feel jealous of right now and why? What do they have -- or appear to have -- that you want? 

What fears keep you from being honest?

Are you carrying around nagging broken agreements, dysfunctional relationships, grudges, or limiting stories?

What decisions and choices brought you to where you are today?

What did you love to do as a child?

How many hours a week do you devote to activities purely for the pleasure and renewal they provide?

What does it mean to you to live love? 

Sunday No 69

Think about your life: what holds you back?

Is there something in your past you fixate on even though there's nothing to be gained from thinking and talking about it? 

Are you able to accept others as they are?

Are you a victim of "forces beyond your control" or has something been expected of you that you haven't known how to give?

Does your partnership or your life include, permit and encourage time alone? 

What do you need to learn this month? 

Where do you feel stuck?

What part of your self do you yearn to nurture this season?

What are three things that you do well?

What have you done in the past that gives you a sense of satisfaction?

Sunday No 68

What, if anything, are you scared of when you go out into the world?

What makes you feel physically drained? 

Are you really working, or are you just staying busy?

Did you do something last week that helped you be your best you?

How do you respond to change?

Are people's lives enriched by spending time with you?

What does balance in your life look like?

What do you do better than just about anyone else you know?

What do you want more than anything?

What would you let your self do if you could lighten up a little? 

Sunday No 67

What do you ignore about your finances?

What have you been underappreciating?

What will you do this week to be less pessimistic and more hopeful?

Have you fallen out of touch with anyone with whom you should reconnect?

In what ways do you surrender the imperatives of your body (your need for rest, for play, for movement, for pleasure, nourishment) in order to avoid the appearance of failure?

Do you mostly talk about how hard your life is, or do you talk about the ease and joy of life?

Do you leave others feeling appreciated and supported, or criticized and undermined?

What can you do to regain your sense of wonder and openness?

What are the gaps between your skills and talents, and what you are bringing to your own life?

What do you think, deep down inside, is the key to your freedom?

Sunday No 66

What do people usually like about you?

Does the amount of time and attention you currently offer to your family and friends convey they are a top priority in your life?

Does your current schedule allow for time spent being 100% there with your loved ones?

What makes you feel secure and happy?

Who was the first person in your life that made you feel loved?

What do you wish you had paid more attention to over the last few years?

What money patterns play out in your life over and over?

What advice would you give someone based on what you've learned?

What boundaries have to be in place for you to be kind and tolerant?

Looking at your personal alone time, family life, work life, and your connection to nature:  in any of these areas are you lacking a sense of stability, comfort, inspiration, flexibility, or openness?

Sunday No 65

If you could redo a five year period of your life, which would you choose?

How do you behave when you're feeling very uncomfortable and uncertain? 

How do you respond to setbacks?

Who do you feel not quite worthy of being around?

What's the crossroad you are currently facing?

How do you avoid closeness with those you love? 

What do you enjoy but don't do as often as you wish?

What are you known for?

What would you prefer to be doing tomorrow?

Sunday No 64

What unexpressed emotion is running your life right now?

What have you been saying yes to that you wish you'd been saying no to? 

What do you need to release right now?

What area of your life do you most want to develop over the next year? 

What aspect of yourself are you not allowing into your consciousness?

What's the most luxurious thing you like to do for your body? 

What is your dream life, and where is that falling short of your current reality?

Do you feel aligned at this time in your life with what you wish to accomplish or be in this life? 

What in yourself do you want to nurture at this time?

Sunday No 63

What would you like to be doing two years from now?

What is your boat, and what is stopping you from getting on it?

What would you like to learn spiritually during your life? 

What is your relationship with your intuition and your inner knowing?

How do you wish you life to be on a day-to-day basis?

What helps you to keep balance in your life?

What do you resent doing, or enduring?

Where do you feel blocked today?

What is life reflecting back to you?

Are you able to see the stories you are telling yourself, and do you question their validity?

Sunday No 62

In what aspects of your life are you compromising your integrity, blurring the edges of truth, going along to get along?

Is the language you use daily filled with fearful phrases?

Do you feel self-conscious about your body? In what ways?

Do you feel compassion and understanding for the people you come into contact with throughout the day?

What are your top priorities?  Your non-negotiables?

What feels like love to you?

What do you wish your life to look like this week?

When do you like yourself the most?

How would you like people to think about you?

What can you do better today than you did yesterday?

Sunday No 61

Where are you right now?  Close your eyes and describe where you feel you are.

Is there anything you are avoiding?

What are the overall feelings that seem to motivate your daily life?

Is there something you've been doing lately that's not right anymore?

When do you get that "called to the principal's office" feeling of dread? 

What's your biggest fear right now about moving forward?

Is there a gap between the values you stand for and how you actually behave? 

Are you spending money to numb yourself out or to make yourself feel better?

What is driving your daily experience: is it your circumstances, your emotions, or your thoughts? 

Do you choose certainty over curiosity each day?

Sunday No 60

What are your strategies for managing your uncertainty, your blocked feelings, your uncomfortableness?

Do you ask for what you need?  Are you nonjudgmental about needing help?

What psychic, emotional, or mental weight are you carrying that is unnecessary to your journey?  Why are you carrying this?

What patterns do you need to pay attention to this week, so you are no longer operating from a place of impatience, frustration, withdrawal, or assumption?

What belief is holding you back this week?

Do you prefer taking risks or having a safety net?

If you were to ask someone to describe you in three or four words, what do you think those words would be?

What kinds of foods make you feel nourished?

What was your favorite childhood game?

What are the main things that bring you joy?

Sunday No 59

With what state of mind did you begin your day today?

Do you find it difficult to get motivated and initiate action?  Or are you tired, and find it difficult to relax?

Where in your life do you feel something is missing?

How do you act towards others:  are you more focused on your power or more on their well-being?

When do you feel the most vulnerable?

In whose presence do you diminish yourself?

What is most important to you now?  Does it enhance your life?

What are you looking forward to in the next year?

Imagine you are fully engaged and pursuing your true passion: what would you be doing right now?

What two things/experiences do you want to have in your life that you don't have now?

Sunday No 58

Do you mostly use your words to hurt others or to try to empower them?

How do you react when no one is doing what you want?

Is the language you use daily filled with struggle words?

Do you often express your thoughts and feelings as being the "truth"?

What do you spend most of your time worrying about?

What patterns do you need to pay attention to, so you are no longer operating from a place of lack and disempowerment?

What do you not want to admit to yourself?

What unfinished business might be creating obstacles in your life?

In what ways are you living someone else's ideas of what your life should look like?

What do you need to let go of now to create a life filled with meaning?

Sunday No 57

Can you easily recall negative messages you received when you were a child -- directly or indirectly -- through speech or behavior?  If so, what are they, and what do you plan on doing to release them?

Do you tend to dominate conversations?

How often do you fail to keep your promises (including being late for appointments)?

How frozen/harmful/neurotic/non-functional are your actions, speech, and thoughts? 

Are you reliable?  Do you do what you say you are going to do?

What's a goal or dream that feels impossible because of limited resources (time, energy, money, skills)?

What do you believe is impossible but that might have a huge impact on your life?

Do you feel physically healthy and vibrantly alive most days?

How much of your creative energy is tied up in guilt, hatred, resentment, lack, or fear?

What would make you feel loved right now?

Sunday No 56

Do your thoughts, words and actions agree?

Do you live your "truth"?

Are you shy about speaking up because you're afraid to make a scene?

Looking back over the last two months, who are the people with whom you discussed matters important to you?

Where do you want to end up?

What images, sensations, thoughts or feelings come to mind when you think of your ego?

How much lived experience do you need before you know it is safe?

What lessons have you learned in the last two months?

What would your life be like it, rather than resisting it, you were curious about it, learning how to gather the treasures that always lie hidden in the midst of your challenges?

How will you kindle the sparks of divinity in your life this week?

Sunday No 55

What did your parents show you about money, and how has this affected your ability to generate and keep money today?

What did you get into trouble for the most when you were a kid?

What aspects of yourself are you unwilling to hear the truth about?

How is your heart and soul right now?

What emotional state do you find yourself in most often?

What would life be like if you dared to live more fully from within a spiritual perspective?

What qualities do you need to cultivate in yourself to be a better friend to others?

Are your day-to-day choices leading to your wholeheartedness, or do they leave you feeling empty and searching?

What little things could you start now that might cause a big shift in your life later?

How old do you want to be when you die?

Sunday No 54

Do you talk about life in a way that is fearful or expects failure, or do you use words that invite safety and positivity? 

What three things scare you about yourself?

Where are you locked in and depending on an assumed way of seeing things?

How often to you judge people around you?

What are you currently feeling apprehensive about?

What aspects of yourself are you still rejecting or disowning?

Where are your values and beliefs not reflected in your choices and actions?

How can you honor your body more?

Are your self-care choices comforting and nourishing, or are they temporary reprieves from vulnerability and difficult emotions?

What is something you want to create, achieve, or experience before the end of this year?

Sunday No 53

Do you respect your own boundaries?

What is something you lie to yourself about?

Do you have any secrets around money?

What is it that you think you know but have no real proof is true?

What strengths have you come to know through your pain?

What would happen if you trusted your suffering? 

Where do you feel the pull to rebel?

What do you want that you are not getting out of your life? What are you actually getting? 

How would your dream day be different from your current reality?

What was your favorite childhood toy?

Sunday No 52

What are some behaviors you do regularly that leave you feeling deflated, guilty, depressed, or mad? 

How do you react when you're not measuring up to your image of yourself?

What are you giving your energy, resources, and attention to?  

What do you feel are your greatest inadequacies?

How is your digital culture diet affecting your mood, mind, and relationships? 

When you interact with others, do you talk more than listen?

What three things do you love about yourself?

What can you do to create more learning experiences for yourself this year?

What do you do so well that time seems to disappear when you are doing it?

What can you do today so you can feel fulfilled at the end of your year?

Sunday No 51

Are you critical, blaming and quick to judge, or are you generally accepting, supportive and compassionate?

What do you do regularly that causes you pain or suffering?

Are you able to set healthy personal boundaries?

Do you feel stuck in your life?

Are you living your life purpose or are you still searching?

What are the obstacles that keep you from engaging in a more joyful life?

Do you feel frustrated in achieving your dreams?

What would be involved in the healing of your soul?

What do you need to forgive yourself for?

What can you start doing today to accept your dreams as your current reality? 

Sunday No 50 

Do you believe yourself to be unworthy of being happy?

Is perfectionism an issue for you? If so, what could be a strategy for you to manage it?

What are you pretending not to know?

In what ways does your desire to possess things or outcomes add to your karmic burden?

What beliefs did you acquire growing up that may be limiting your financial abundance?

How content do you feel with what life has brought you? 

Is there anyone in your life that you love unconditionally?

What do you do that other people find exceptional but comes so easily you can't understand why they're so amazed? 

How would you feel if you knew your biggest goal was a done deal?

What are you going to do today to ensure that you move in the direction of your dreams?

Sunday No 49 

What has been hard in your life?

In what area of your life is laziness most destructive? 

Are there any friendships you need to re-evaluate because they no longer support your authentic self?

Are you trying to impress someone?

Do you live in a way that's true to your core beliefs and values?

Is there something in your life right now that's "worth it"? If not, what would it be?

What do you think you would have been successful at?  What do you think stood in your way?

Is there anything you have been holding back from doing for yourself or for someone else?

What can you be doing to be more open to intuitive guidance?

What would help you to see the world as a manifestation of the divine?

Sunday No 48 

What is the biggest source of tension or misunderstanding in your life?

Are you able to maintain healthy relationships? Do you let go of ones that have proved to have a negative influence on you?

Do you spend your time fantasizing about being somewhere else or doing something else?

What part of yourself are you pretending does not exist?

If you are raising and/or instructing children/grandchildren/students, what qualities would you like them to learn from you?

Think ahead until you are 80: what goals would you like to have achieved by this stage in your life?

What commitment today are you willing to make to help create a better world? 

In what ways do you/could you celebrate the mystical in your daily life?

What new lessons are you ready to learn?

What is the one thing you know for sure?

Sunday No 47

Do your beliefs fuel your freedom or limit your life?

Are you defensive about your mistakes?

How much of each day is spent in fear, and how much in faith?

Do you perceive the world as a dangerous place?

Do you often feel as though you don't belong?

Have you created problematic relationships because of not being able to speak authentically, share your preferences, or say no?

What are you nurturing in your life?

Do you listen to the nudges from the universe and then act on them?

Do you care for yourself properly -- both with food and with healthy ideas?

How could you better connect with your body each day?

Sunday No 46

Are you willing to take emotional risks?

What are your earliest memories? Are they happy, sad, or neutral ones?

What belief patterns/superstitions have you inherited from your family?

What lesson have you learned in the past but haven't yet vowed to never to do to yourself or someone else again?

What have you achieved lately, big or small, that you didn't stop to properly acknowledge or celebrate?

If money was a person, how are you treating it?

What is your most frequent motivation when you engage with people?

What do you need to make life meaningful and worthwhile?

What are the obstacles that keep you from engaging in a more mindful life?

What are the obstacles that keep you from engaging in a more active life?

Sunday No 45

Do you have difficulty with authority figures?

Do you sometimes feel powerless?

Do people disappoint you easily?

Is your happiness really in the hands of others?

What can you do to transform your doubts and fears into positive energy?

What are you spending your lifetime practicing?

What are members of your family pretending not to know?

Why are you here at this point in your life right now?

What can you start doing to bring more love, creativity, mindfulness and groundedness into your life?

What is the "legacy project" that you want to bring into the world before the end of your life?

Sunday No 44

What do you want your life to be like when you are an old person?

Do you tend to shy away from emotional intimacy?

What is the one thing in your life that most depletes you?

Do you tend to be an angry and irritable person?

How does mental stress manifest itself in your body?

What emotional or mental weight are you carrying that is unnecessary to your journey?

Where do you look for strength and in what do you place your trust?

Which friends do you need to acknowledge and make more time for in your life?

If you truly knew that anything was possible, what would you allow to happen?

Have you engaged in self-sabotage of your dreams recently?

Sunday No 43

Do you often look to others to fulfill your emotional needs?

What embarrasses you about yourself?

What kinds of people do you have trouble empathizing with, and why?

Did you family throw plates, calmly discuss issues, or silently shut down when disagreements arose?  What do you do today in response to disagreements?

What relationships that are "hanging in the air" do you need to release?

Does attempting to draw boundaries and speak up create anxiety for you?

Who must you forgive in order to be free?

What do you need to forgive yourself for?

What is one thing you wish somebody would say to you right now?

Sunday No 42

What are three ways you could be kinder to yourself, your body, this month?

When do you feel vulnerable?

How able are you to express your feelings "from the heart"?

Think about your life: if what you're doing now isn't working, then what new action could you take?

What happens when you feel you can't handle what's going on? 

What is something you can't do that you really wish you could?

What are you afraid to do to move forward in your life?

What could you do to initiate deep healing in your life? 

Do you have a hard time asking for help?

How might you include others in your healing process?

Sunday No 41

What are your long-term goals in life?

Are you always looking for others to fill your emotional needs?

Do you often say what you really feel and think?

What happens inside of you when you think of money?

When people offer criticism, do you feel they are just judging you or are they helping you develop?

What do you think is your deepest, most intolerable flaw?

How do you behave when you're feeling uncomfortable and uncertain?

What makes you feel real?

On a daily basis, are your head and your heart in agreement?

Can you live like a flower, existing without needing to be admired, adored, or even noticed?

Sunday No 40

What was one of the most important friendships from your childhood that you can remember?

What are you afraid to do that you have been avoiding?

Do you want your life to be better, but seem unable to imagine how to accomplish it?

Do you tend to set your standards too high?

In what areas are you most open to criticism?

Does your dream for your life have demanding, uncomfortable work that you need to do in order to reach it?

Over the next week, where could you go for new ideas?

For the next few days: in what ways can you make your life more active?

What's the best way to keep yourself in harmony with your life?

How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning? 

Sunday No 39

What patterns do you notice in your daily responses to life?

What changes do you think might be necessary in your thought and response patterns? 

Do you sometimes let unwanted behavior slide because you don't want to make a big deal of it?

What can you do to bring more calm into your life?

What do you want to complete, or let go of, right now?

What do you need to give yourself permission to be?

If you were absolutely alone in this world, if there were nobody or nothing to compare yourself with, what would you truly long for?

What are the obstacles that keep you from engaging in a more wonderful life?

What part of yourself do you want to express more of in the coming year?

In what ways could you be more courageous? 

Sunday No 38

Do you have trouble finding meaning in your life?

How could your deepest wounds grant you authentic, life-serving power?

What's your relationship with money?

What do you do when you feel emotionally exposed?

To what extent do you invite critique or alternative points of view into your life?

Where do you feel blocked in your life?

What childhood experiences made you who you are today?

If you were guaranteed honest responses to any 3 questions, who would you question and what would you ask?

How many relationships can you sustain and still have time to rest, recover, and create?

What would be so amazing that you feel shy even considering it?

Sunday No 37

What do you do to please others that you don't like doing?

What assumptions do you think people make about the kind of person you are?

Where or when are you most sensitive to criticism?

How do you feel about acknowledging that you may be sad, depressed, or despairing? 

Who did you have to be for your parents to feel loved by them?

Do you relate to life directly as it is, or are you choosing to live in fear and worry? 

What is really important for you to do today?

How faithful are you to plans that you make?

What areas of your life are in need of hope?  

In what way today can you make your life more fulfilling? 

Sunday No 36

Do you pay more attention to other people's boundaries or wishes than your own?

What kind of friends did your parents have, and what were these friendships based on? 

What are three unhelpful beliefs about yourself that you are ready to release?

When does it seem easy, and when does it seem difficult, to maintain a positive attitude?

Do you use your positivity to protect yourself from your feelings?

What emotion, feeling, or way of being is controlling your life?

What leverage do you think you have for turning problem situations into learning opportunities?

How comfortable are you with letting yourself figure it out on your own?

How can you go about maintaining a curious and experimental attitude towards life every day?

How can you be more receptive to your higher intuitive self?

Sunday No 35

What usually makes you angry?

How do you typically act when things don't go as planned?

Do you often find yourself saying things you don't mean, just to be polite?

How do you feel about your life right now?

What are your blocks to having the wealth you want to create? 

What's getting in the way of living the life that you want?

How would you like to be seen? recognized? acknowledged? 

What do you want to be as a future you?

What do you think your role is in motivating others?

When you think of the word "successful", who's the first person who comes to mind, and why is that for you?

Sunday No 34

What is your least creative and productive time of day?

You feel best when you turn your computer off at __ and your phone off at__?

What neglected parts of you are pushing for expression and recognition?

What in your current life seems like an obstacle but, if you surrender to it, could hold the key to transformation?

What are your most important goals in these areas of your life:  relationships, health, play, career, finances, possessions, contributions?

What is your biggest passion, and your strongest talent, that you would like to use to serve others?

In what ways can you best use your strengths and talents to serve people you know, and the world?

What do you know about your life purpose?  What were you created to do?

When you look at your life as a whole, what do you think is your main purpose for being in this world?

What kind of person are you:  resentful and manipulative, or joyful and inspiring?

Sunday No 33

What are the current tough circumstances/obstacles standing between you and what you want in your life?

Where in your life are you holding a grudge against yourself or another person?

Do you often feel isolated or alone?

Have you chosen someone to be in your life who disappoints you, or asks too much of you?  If so, who is it and why are they still in your life?

Do you shut yourself down with negative judgments?

Is there something your intuition has been trying to tell you?

What day of the week would you most like to regularly rest and unplug on?  What's stopping you? 

What can you see, feel, hear, or sense, right here in the present, that's helpful, pleasant or beautiful?

What do you really enjoy doing that you might be able to turn into a gift for the world?

What is the story that your life has prepared you to tell?

Sunday No 32

Overall, you feel best when you wake up at __ and go to sleep at__?

Your most creative and productive time of the day is?

What role are you playing in your life that you just can't seem to shake?

What makes you feel bad about yourself when you are actually doing well?

What is the most joyful way for you to do your work?

What has been an experience of renewal for you in this last year?

How can you take the kind of consistent, daily action that your dream project requires of you?

Who would you be if you lost everything you had?

What kind of community member/friend/partner/parent do you want to be?

In what way can you make your life more engaging? 

Sunday No 31

What are you trying to accomplish, develop, or improve?

What are two things that you are ready to invite and receive into your life?

What is stopping you from reaching your goals?

What is your family's culture or ideas of love?

What challenging topics do your parents consider off-limits? 

Do you engage in self-destructive behavior?

Do you make resolutions without the power to carry them out?

How do you handle and respond to other people's extreme suffering?  

What do you need to do to nourish your spirit today?

What creative venture has been nudging at you for some time now?

Sunday No 30

How much alone time do you need to feel good?

Do you pursue productivity over peace? 

Do you avoid emotionally charged situations or conversations?

Does it feel as if no one is really paying attention or listening to you?

What are the general pain points in your life?

Are you obsessed with your happiness in the future?

What are your darker emotions trying to teach you?

Who had the most influence on you growing up?

How have you changed and grown over the last year?

What's something you want to do in the next year that you've never done before?

Sunday No 29

What are the three biggest lessons you've learned in your life?

What mistakes are you afraid to make again?

Who's love did you crave the most growing up? 

Who are the suffering ones in the world whose cries are echoing inside of you?

Are you struggling to be seen and heard?

What are two things that you would most like to change about your life right now?

Where are you being asked to grow, stretch, and learn in your life?

What's most essential for you to do today?  What would bring the most lasting value?

When are the times you feel most alive and joyful?

What do you need to have around you to ensure that you do your best work?

Sunday No 28

How much sleep do you need to feel good?  Are you listening to your body each day?

What activities truly energize and inspire you?

Were there times in your life when you stopped creating or experimenting because of another's judgment? 

Is there a recurring negative feeling that you experience today, which you also experienced in your childhood?

Are you addicted to living in the past?

How do you regard someone who sees things differently from you?

Looking back on your life, what 3 events (good or bad) have really formed who you are?

What could be made better in the world, with your help?

How does your spirituality connect with the way you treat the earth?

What are two things that you love most about your life right now?

Sunday No 27

What do you have to do to keep your life functioning well?

Do you feel you are able to live a meaningful life?  If not, what is holding you back?

When did you last fail at something? Or, when is the last time you held yourself back from doing something for fear of failure?

What brings you back to life?

Where in your life do you find joy?

When do you feel the most earthly and human?

What do you need to do to keep your spirit alive and thriving?

What steps in your life could you take to improve your spiritual development?

What experiences in the past year left you feeling energized?

What are you willing to sacrifice in order to solve some of the world's problems?

Sunday No 26

What kind of work exhausts you the most?

Where are you being challenged in your life these days?

What are some things that are on your mind right now that you haven't had the time or space to talk to anyone about?

Do you have difficulty sustaining relationships?

What past failures are plaguing you?

What do you need help with right now?

Is it easier to stay quiet than to share your ideas, thoughts, and experiences?

Are you giving your body enough exercise, sunshine, and nutrients?

What are two ways you can better support yourself this week? 

What do you hope is true? 

Sunday No 25

Where in your life does dissatisfaction persistently arise?

Are you aware of what happens in your body when you are worried or anxious?

Where do you feel the most constraint?

What experiences in the past year have left you feeling depleted?

Have there been times in your life that you identify as turning points?

Where do you feel out of control?

In what areas of your life have you been most successful in letting disappointments go?

Do you regularly engage in at least one activity a week that brings you uncomplicated joy?

Is there a regular time for creativity in your life?

Who do you need to appreciate today?

Sunday No 24

What words come to mind when asked to describe your childhood?

Looking back over your last year, can you find pivotal moments that broadened your perspective?

Are you eating enough nutritious foods on a fairly regular schedule?

Do you find it difficult to nourish your body properly?

What would you like to stop doing?

What needs to heal in you in order for your life's issues to be resolved?

What baggage are you carrying that must be discarded?

Who, in your life, makes you feel good?  Bad? 

Do you have aches, pains, or discomforts you could be attending to more consciously?

When do you feel closest to awe/life/higher power/god?

Sunday No 23

When do you feel frustrated or irritated?

What are you afraid to do that you have been avoiding?

Is your self-worth tied to achievement, productivity, or compliance?

What's something you're doing that doesn't make sense?

Is there an area in your life where you are staying safely in your comfort zone rather than stretching yourself to grow?

Who are some people you feel jealous of? 

When do you feel most fulfilled in your life? 

What can you do to be engaged with life this week?

What's the smartest thing you're doing right now?

What can you do to heighten your awareness of the universe's action in your life?

Sunday No 22

Is there a key area of your life where fear of harm, love of stability, identity protection, or ego are keeping you from saying yes to an opportunity?

What is something you're tired of hearing yourself say over and over? 

What common elements or themes do your worst traumas and humiliations from the past share?

Are you taking the kind of care of yourself that you need, in order to maintain the focus and stamina your good work requires? 

Where do you feel the most in touch with your spirit?

How do you honor your spirit in your daily life?

What are the three most important things in your life right now?

Are you fulfilling your needs from the abundance of the universe? 

Are there places or moments from the past that still inspire you?

What are five things that you love to do?

Sunday No 21

How did your parents relate to, and regard each other?

What do you most worry about and fear when faced with change? 

What is your fear or grief saying about you?

Is there something going on in your life that you want to stop but don't, or can't? 

Where in your life do things feel inflamed to you?

Is there a place in your life where ego might be getting in the way of your work? 

Are you playing the victim, withholding effort, or feeling entitled in an unhealthy way?

Where are there opportunities in your life to cultivate a vulnerability through curiosity?

Are there people in your life who have full permission to speak truth to you about what they see?

What's your current self-care look like right now? 

Sunday No 20

What have you recently discovered you're good at?

What's the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? 

How much of your life is managing vs making?

Where do you feel you are most vulnerable?

What's always in the back of your mind?

What are you doing in your life just to fill up time and space, to avoid being present?

How can you create space outside of your normal routine to shake things up?

Where do you have the most potential to add value in your life over the coming weeks? 

How will you know that today was a success?

What do you most dearly wish for during your short stay on earth?

Sunday No 19

Acceptance, rejection, wanting: which one of these, if any, best describes your response to the most recent crisis in your life?

What are the things in your life that bother you the most?

What is keeping you from pursuing your dreams?

Can you experience unconditional love? If not, what do you feel is stopping you?

What action, if you did it immediately, would have the greatest positive effect on your life?

Do you always feel the need to seek external help from books, teachers, or gurus to advise you on how to lead your life?

What are the priorities of your authentic self?

What happened that your soul wants you to remember?    

What would it take for you to accept that you are worthy of the universe’s unconditional love?

How can you relax in your everyday life and have a genuine, passionate relationship with the fundamental uncertainty, the groundlessness of being human?    

Sunday No 18

What does your comfort zone look like?

If your last troubling experience was actually a gift from the universe, what would it be here to teach you?

Who do you believe your true self to be?

What have you been told you should be or should become?

Do you give your power away to others by believing everyone else has the answers you need?

Are you constantly obsessed with working on yourself, trying to "improve" yourself in some way?

What needs to go in your life to make room for your vision?

Who have been mentors in your life? What did those relationships offer you?

What would you be doing right now if you loved yourself more?

What can you do to surprise yourself today?

Sunday No 17

In your daily life, what areas do you overlook most frequently?

Where are you denying yourself what you need or what you want?

What have you always wanted to do?

What is the one thing you feel is necessary for you life?

In your present relationships, what do you tend to do when you feel disconnected or unsafe?

Do previous hurts or betrayals prevent you from expressing or receiving affection?

What's going on for you in your life/business/art that feels insurmountable or impassable?

If you could start over, what would you change?

What messages about love did you get from your parents?

How can you model for other people in your life how important it is for all of us to love ourselves?

Sunday No 16

What experiences in your life have contributed to your happiness?

What are/were your parents' overt and covert love lessons to you?

What does saying or thinking the word "money" make you feel?

Do you expect loved ones to fit into a mold you've designed, instead of accepting who they truly are?

Do you feel drained in relationships, always giving more than you receive?

Do you feel there is a balance in your life and harmony in your relations with others?

What would it take for you to feel deserving of receiving love and support without having to give a certain amount first?

Where do you need to make more room for something new in your life?

What kind of life would your authentic self want to live?

If you had to guess, what soul story or role have you been re-living over and over again?

Sunday No 15

What are the parts of you that nobody sees?

What fears are you holding in now? What fears are you avoiding? What do these fears really get down to?

Is there a substance, an excuse, an escape, or a relationship that you use repeatedly to stop your inner growth?

What is the basis of your closest relationships? Is it love or is it need?

Are unproductive ideas about sexuality still being replayed in your life?  If so, how can you remove them?

How can you increase your tolerance for instability and change?

When do you feel: powerful? passionate? incredibly useful? inspired?

Do you feel enlivened by your work?

What is the likely look of your future based on your current path right now?  What needs to change?

Sunday No 14

How do you feel when you are by yourself?

Do you waste time by being unfocused or ungrounded?

Do you drain other people by making unreasonable demands on them?

Do you look forward to living each day?

Do you permit people to drain you emotionally?

Are you really open-minded or do you only see what you have already observed and hear only what you have already listened to?

Where are you most engaged at home and at work?

What's the vision for your career?

If you believe in a Creator, what do they see in you?

What is it going to take for you to prioritize the sacred?

Sunday No 13

What are your money values?

What daily or weekly activities provide you with meaning?

What brings you pleasure? What brings you satisfaction?

How are you being called to share your voice in a bigger way?

Who are you when you are by yourself?

Do you feel joyful and expansive about giving, or do you feel contracted and guilty?

Are you neglecting any relationships?

What are you most afraid of?

Does any of your anger involve blaming others?

What is it like to realize you can never completely and finally get it all together?

Sunday No 12

What is your ideal lifestyle (your perfect blend of work and play time)?

What do people thank you for most often?

Do you have a regular exercise program? If not, what can you add that is easy for you?

What circumstances -- by fate or by choice -- seem to have blocked your personal growth?

How can you keep your soul happy and high when money or resources are tight?

How can you improve your nutrition this week?

Are your views about wealth and financial security enhancing your life and your career, or are they limiting you?

Who are the individuals in your life that you feel have made your growth and development more difficult?

What does the world need from you that no one else can offer?

How do you choose to reincarnate today?

Sunday No 11

With your self-talk, what ideas of yourself do you reinforce?

Do you suppress your desires and the expression of your true self because you are afraid of being judged?

What unresolved issue do you often revisit with anger?

What is your spirit's intention with respect to the grief, fear, and despair in your life?

Can your inner pain be a holy summons to a deeper spiritual life?

What's it going to take for you to wake up?

How are you complicit in creating the conditions you say you don't want?

How can you better support yourself?

How can you love yourself more?

To have a more successful life, what could you do, think, and be more of?

Sunday No 10

What did you learn about your life this week?

What consistently helps you get and stay healthy?

Does your body support the life you want?

Do your daily actions support your values?

What are you choosing right now?

How can you surrender more deeply to your soul's call?

How are you playing small for fear of being misunderstood or judged?

What fears have you faced recently?  What did you gain by facing them?

How can you begin to participate in building a world of peace, prosperity and joy for everyone around you?

What would you do if you truly believed you could?

Sunday No 9

How much time do you spend thinking about what might have been?

Who do you blame for your problems?

Do you feel like you should already be big-time successful before you do the work of learning how?

What activities make you feel strengthened, vitalized, and more alive when you do them?

What amplifies your natural state of devotion?

What truly matters to you at this stage in your life?

How do you want to live?  How do you want to love?

What can, or already does, provide a sense of purpose to your life as a whole? 

What distinct contribution can you make that no other person on the planet can make in quite the same way?

Who do you need to be to fulfill on the commitments you've made, or want to make?

Sunday No 8

What choices have you made that you regret?

Have you ever felt like an impostor?

What are you embarrassed to be struggling with?

When something goes wrong, how do you respond?

What darkness in you needs to be confronted and transformed?

What's the one question you're afraid to ask yourself?

Do your failures define you, or help you?

What is life asking of you?

What do you want your days to look and feel like?

Sunday No 7

If you could make a change and be assured of succeeding, how would you life be different from the life you are living right now?

What do you love that gives you a thrill?

What one thing would make a huge difference in your life or your career if you could just find the time to do it?

To have a more successful life, what could you do, think, and be less of?

What do you think your blocks to success and love are?

What do you believe to be absolutely true?  Is it still true when you look at it from a holistic, all encompassing standpoint?

What kind, mindful action could you take to feel better and be better today?

How an you better serve others in your life?

What is your best or highest intention with regard to the grief, fear, and despair in your life?

How are you contributing to the good of the greater whole in your life?

Sunday No.6

If you were to live 100% authentically, what would your experience look like?

Which energy-sapping emotion do you indulge in most?

Look at your life from the outside: what advice would you give yourself?

What are your choices in a situation that's troubling? If you were to notice something useful here, what would it be?

Are you often trying to set boundaries and failing?  If so, why do you think that is?

Think again of a troubling issue for you: if you were neutral on this subject, would you notice anything different?

If a seemingly impossible task you want to do is actually possible, what's your next logical move?

What are your core beliefs about sharing vulnerability?

What about your childhood shaped you to be who you are in this moment?

If you had the chance, who would you like to meet and develop a relationship with?

Sunday No.5

What are you dying to create, but never find the time for? 

What resources, skills, or supports do you have that you are not yet seeing or appreciating?

What's your go-to brand of suffering?

Are you a people pleaser, or do you fear others' disapproval of you?

Think of a troubling situation you are seeing, or living through: What can you notice about the situation, about yourself, about the problem or the other in order to experience something different?

When do you feel smart: when you're flawless, or when you're learning?  

Think of a time when you felt paralyzed by fear: What kept you moving through it? What, if anything, helped? 

To have a more successful life (however that would look to you), what should you start doing, being, or thinking?

What is life asking of you that you do not want to acknowledge?

What adventures or new experiences do you have planned for the next while?  If none, why not? What's holding you back from doing something new or doing something differently?

Sunday No.4 

When are you happy, joyful, or fulfilled?

Where do your ideas of who you are come from?

How do you know who you are?

Are you true to yourself in relation to others?

Where are you running into roadblocks or friction in your life?

What are your default patterns when things get tense?

What matters most to you? If you were to lose almost everything, what would matter the most to you?

What topics make you the most defensive, and why do you think that is?

What do you love that makes you happy inside?

What does it look like for you to thrive in your life?

Sunday No. 3

Who did you want to be as a child?

What do you do when no one is watching, that makes you feel the happiest?

What life do you envision for yourself a year from now?

How much of your current self is what someone else thinks you should be?

What do you really think of yourself? What's the main theme or idea that emerges?

What are your default patterns when things get tense?

What gets in the way of cultivating a wholehearted life?

Is the life you are living now worth being alive for? If not, why? What's missing?

What do you love that brings peace and harmony to you?

What do you love doing that opens up horizons for you?

Sunday No. 2

What stops you from being who you want to be?

What is the greatest challenge you think you must overcome?

What is your secret wish that you don't tell anyone about?

Do you habitually feel dissatisfied and discouraged because you aren't who you want to be?

Are you going after things based on your ego, or your desire to be happy?

Where and how are your deepest priorities reflected in your daily activities? 

What is actually getting in the way of your action towards living your best life?

Do you tend to focus more on what's wrong than on what's not wrong?

What's the most courageous thing you could do for yourself when you feel small and hurt?

What are you willing to become aware of now?

Sunday No. 1

What is your giving taking from you?

To have a more successful life, what should you stop doing, thinking, or being?

Do you find yourself saying yes when you really want to say no?

If you could choose a new identity, what would it be?

What is life trying to teach you?

When do you wear a mask in your life?

What is inspiring you deeply right now?

What did you do for fun when you were 10 years old?

How do you set into motion a course of action that will allow you to unleash your best, most valuable work while you still can? 

What do you need to do to sustain good health?