past newsletters

photo cred Harli Marten

Below are snippets from past newsletters, now sent every week.

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Sept 26th 2021 newsletter


Questions from the Universe: 

  • What are your top 3 habits and everyday addictions?
  • What bad habits and unwanted behaviors do you keep doing, despite adverse consequences?
  • Where can you now step up, where in the past you would have been fearful?


An excellent article: Why this stage of the pandemic makes us so anxious - The Washington Post 


Messages from the Universe: 

  • Mental states inform the immune system.
  • Every one, every thing, every experience is a response to your vibrational energy.
  • If you dwell in a joyful presence, you will attract support from the Universe.
  • Your only job is to stay in joy.
  • The refusal to forgive is a way we resist life.
  • Fear + uncertainty = anxiety.
  • The world isn’t here to make us happy; it’s here to help us evolve.


 I found this playlist to work by that’s lovely

Mind and Body

I encourage you to listen to new age-y music that has no words; it helps soothe your nervous system and is a very easy, free way to do so.


 I was listening to a zoom talk by Winona LaDuke and she spoke about the pandemic as a portal, and asked “What do we want to bring through to the other side?”.  A good question to work with this week.


I hope by now you are seeing, living, understanding Mind-Body-Spirit a great deal more, and listening to the cues Body-Mind-Spirit sends you, and I hope you know “listening” means hearing, seeing, sensing (as in moving inwardly towards sensation), feeling (which is moving inwardly to you), coincidencing, perceiving, witnessing, vocalizing, smelling, imaging… to name a few.   Let’s talk about imaging today.

 A teaching I was given decades ago said (in summary) that if you think you have imagined something (an understanding, an experience, a being, a conversation, a vision) there’s nothing to say that it isn’t real and did not happen.  Imagination is wired into this body for a reason; we’re able to do it easily as a child, and somewhere along the way to adulthood in the western world, we’re trained to leave it behind as non-real.  But it is an ingrained ability that, in other cultures, is toned up until it is powerful, and utilized to access non-reality (the world we live beside).

 In Nipissing culture, my culture, not so long ago, this “imagination” was used to move freshly-imagined-embodied-generated versions of ourselves through time and space that was not where the physical body was; it was used to see and learn about the wider world, and to keep watch of territory (important not from a “it belongs to us” but from a “we are responsible for the wellbeing and safety of this neighbor nation and that neighbor nation, and if they need us suddenly, we need to be able to hear it”).  “Imagination” was also important to communicate with our older relatives (the Stone Ones, the Tall Ones, the Earth Ones, the Water Ones, the Sky Ones, the Star Ones, to name a few), and our own selves through time-and-space. 

 We used our “imagination” to dialogue with the living world around us, and to access the non-living world beside us.

 This is the same skillset many of you/us are working on honing – this intuitive “window” – to help you live your life well.  The Universe isn’t a static hard thing: it’s a living, breathing unfolding of curiosity and communication.  Your imagination is the key to the skillset and what lies behind. 

 So how to hone and tone?  Begin your own Messages from the Universe notes.  Ask yourself each day what it is showing* you.  Notice if these are statements (messages) or questions.  Pay attention to how you best “hear/see”: is one way more prominent than the other? 

 Another way to hone and tone is to do guided meditations.  At first, start with one with words, like this:

Sonia Choquette Gentle Release

New Horizon Guided Meditations for Kids Secret Teahouse

Or their Guide to Visualization for adults

 And then move onto more woo-woo ones, like ones from Sandra Ingerman that use sound and drums to relax you so that your imagination can play.  Set a timer so you do not drift off into sleep, and can resurface-into-reality refreshed and ready to see what you learned-felt while in non-reality (which is really where the Universe communicates best, less constricted by language). 

 We (me, your Team, the Universe) would want you to joyfully explore imagination skillset again, like you did as a child.  And like children, you are not doing this with fear but with grounded curiosity, exploration, and play. 

 And as important as it is to ground and center into reality, it is equally important to slip into non-reality (imagination).  Ideally, both are happening simultaneously.  We can use non-reality to self-heal, to create new wonderful lives for ourselves, and to make time-space “rooms” for new worlds to emerge from (and We are hoping you lean towards more life sustaining, compassionate, holistic world versions that once existed and re-exist, beyond the current trajectory) – also, side note, this is the skillset for manifestation (visioning a not yet real world or circumstance or experience). 

 There is much to say about non-reality, and it is difficult to convey it in non-ceremony space (either together or in 1:1 time).  But it is a valuable skillset, and you can easily check in to see how westernized your beliefs are around it, and dismantle belief systems that are no longer needed around the power of imagination.


Sept 19th 2021 newsletter


Messages from the Universe: 

  • Procrastination is generally failing to just get started (resistance).
  • You won’t get today back.
  • Avoidance is a simple way of coping by not having to cope.
  • Experience, knowledge, and thinking gets organized in Mind as stories.
  • See all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love. (Marianne Williamson)
  • Receiving teachings is not easy. It requires objectivity, reflection and discernment, and it is experiential.
  • Burnout is a sign you have been strong-in-the-wrong-way for too long (disconnected from self/Spirit, poor boundaries).
  • Become your own loving parent.
  • Getting rid of symptoms is NOT being healthy. 
  • The next level of your life requires the next level you.
  • Surrendering is giving up trying to control everything, and giving up trying to manipulate life regarding how it should be unfolding.
  • Control is the master addiction.
  • True compassion is allowing ourselves to be as we are with moment to moment awareness.


I pulled a card again today from the deck I’m currently working with: Byron Katie’s Katieisms which says:

“The Work is about internal cause and effect. It’s not about an external world”.  

This week has been challenging.  Not that anything terrible or unsafe is really happening; there are trigger events, yes, but overall, all that has been happening is Mind trying to be in control, to be dominant, to be demanding to be Secure in Environment.  And yes, there is still cleanup to do here externally that involves other people, but as BK points to, “The Work is about internal cause and effect.” 

At first glance, I didn’t want this to be internally caused, I wanted it to be entirely their fault, and if they weren’t doing (a) then I wouldn’t be doing (b).  I played that out til I realized I could still play it out, it wouldn’t exhaust, and I would continue stewing in this childhood-reminiscent-feelingscape, or I could recognize it wasn’t going to be resolved without a higher level of me approaching the real issue (which is 30% their behavior, 70% internal vibration plus 30% bonus marks on my end for reactive memory responses from the familiar feelingscape from childhood).  

So I’m in a Spiral, cleaning another layer of the childhood-feelingscape-beingscape issue from me.  And I am very much like everyone else: I already did this, I don’t want to do this, why do I need to do this, can’t they do their part and I will do my absolute best not to stab them? and on and on.  But at some point, a person who is trying to live authentically, with self-awareness, and wanting to be a better being than before, knows that blaming and avoiding isn’t clearing the originating vibrating issue, and to move through the Spiral-of-Clearing** so you can be twirled off of the end of it, you need to not focus on the triggering parts of what’s arising, and you need to not get swallowed up by the familiar feelingscape of it.  You just need to do the internal work (the cause).  

What is the internal work:  first, allow yourself some time to blame and avoid.  We all have immature parts of ourselves that need expression before real work can begin.  And when we’re dealing with childhood stuff, we can be sure we have immature tendencies to express.  So express them but set a time limit. Like, for the next 20 minutes, 20 hours, 2 days.  But stick to the time limit.  And remember: avoidance time is included in this limited time, so don’t use it all up with the immature expression; at some point, you will be able to express and then center, skipping the avoidance, but there are many times, as you work with old childhood stuff, you need to put that avoidance buffer in for the immature tendencies to dissolve. 

Once step 1 is done, step 2 is ready for you:  Centering.  You need to find your stable ground: what is real, vs what Mind is saying is real.  This involves coaxing your Emotional body to the present moment: what is actually happening right now, and what are we thinking is happening? Noticing the discrepancies between the two, we are able to step onto firmer and firmer ground, stilling the familiar feelingscapes that originally arose.  Once stilled, we can actually have Emotional Body give a current reading of its present self, and most often, we will find that it isn’t truly, deeply feeling what’s in the familiar feelingscapes (it’s having to generate these emotions so they resonate, but generating isn’t authentic feelingness). 

So we continue to center ourselves, grounding down into the present moment, and what is actually happening, until we can see their behavior, our reactions, and know our internal vibration must be singing this tune.  

Step 3 is to recognize, and name the triggers that set you off.  It’s in clearly labelling that we are able to see the shadows that spook us into mindless reactivity.  And we work still with step 2, centering, so they do not spook us now.  We work to make the triggers identified clear and plain to Mind and Emotional Body.  (My triggers are muffled voices from another room, with rising energetic “temperatures”, doors closed loudly: immediately these put my body into a static, tense position – noticing what body is doing is often a good way to recognize subconscious prepping towards feelingscapes – e.g. getting spooked). 

Step 4 is pattern recognition.  This goes beyond recognizing triggers.  This is pre-trigger vibrational, subtle thoughts and their even more subtler cousins preferences (attachment/detachment/neutral, or like/dislike/neutral).  This is where the work gets tricky, but any honest approach to trying Step 4 will be rewarded.  

This step may or may not involve other incarnations (past and future). This may take some time, and some repeated returns to work on it (hence the Spirallyness of it).  You stay as centered and non-reactive (non-spooked) as possible, and you continually ask “What is this?”, “What is happening?”, “Why is it happening?” until it’s unraveled.  You may need outside help, from Team, from teacher/healer/helper(s), from Universal Wisdom, from friends, family, books, podcasts, cards, etc (you get the idea: insightful help can be everywhere).  

The point is: what’s externally occurring is internally based, and it’s subtle, subtler than you can imagine, and buried under rubble, and in incorrectly marked packages, and/or in costumes.  Your work, even if you choose not to accept it, is to find the internal cause, the vibration setting off this ripple, in order to “turn it off”, and allow you to be twirled off of the end of the Spiral-of-Clearing**.   This work, the work stuck on our spirals, is our lifetime work, often items we chose to experience and heal before we came here.  So you will find pieces of it everywhere: in your finances, in your love life, in your career, and especially in your repeating struggles.  

It seems big, and also, I want to stress, it is MOMENT-to-MOMENT, so you do not need to worry or concern yourself about this all the time.  If you are with the present moment, as it is, as it arises, without trying to control, this work can be quick and painless and profound.  The Universe and most especially your Team will help you deal with the pieces that need to be dealt with only at the moment they need to be dealt with.  You can rest knowing they have got your back in this (the remembering to deal with this PLUS all the help you need to deal with this). 

 **The best way to explain this is: you have an issue, you think you clear it, and then a few weeks/months/years later it’s the same problem, and you’re like “didn’t I do a buttload of work here on this already?” and you resist clearing it up because you did that clearing already, wasn’t the Universe/Team paying attention?  And then you finally go to a teacher/helper/healer and they say “Yes, you did great work cleaning but there’s a few missed spots that you’re being asked to deep clean, and then you can just give a quick clean to the rest of the area so it’s all newly clean”, and they phrase the issue as a Spiral, you are in a spiral of clearing out the issue, it’s less than what it was when you started, but still there’s more to do.

Sept 12th 2021 newsletter


Messages from Spirit:

  • This moment is your reality.  Your work is to be gently aware of what is being perceived by all your senses.
  • Take care that you are not connecting to Spirit from a mind-based space.
  • There is “I” because there are aggregates/pieces, but the “I” is nothing more than what the mind labels.
  • New does not flow easily into a cluttered situation.
  • Wisdom is knowledge embodied and practiced.
  • Signing up for things and not showing up for them fully is essentially you not showing up for yourself.
  • You have the capacity to set a boundary before it becomes a problem.
  • It doesn’t matter if your thinking stops or not; it matters if you recognize whether your thoughts are skillful or unskillful.
  • We feel powerful when we’re judging, which is why we do it. Find the powerlessness = you found the spot to be healed.
  • Stop looking at other people as if they’re the problem; they’re in your world, the source of the problem is you.  All problems exist on the level of mind.
  • Daily intentions create your lifelong results.
  • Cycles/phases of life: new beginnings, status quo, increase, decrease, and transformation.
  • Personal suffering is necessary until it is no longer necessary as a learning/remembering tool.


I heard an interesting query the other day in a podcast, and since no one has yet sent in a question for us to unpack as a group, I thought I’d start with this one: “How can you be embodied as a reincarnated person and also be an ancestor a medium can contact and talk to?”

I’m hoping you see right away the linear, westernized approach embedded in the question, the a-to-b-to-c of it.   The answer is multifold, and I’ll unpack below.  Feel most free to think differently on this. 

When you are here, as you are now, you are one condensed unit of matter (meat, bones, sinew, blood) + experience + genetic material (inherited tendencies) + spirit material (your pre-embodied choices to work on and transform) + universal consciousness + belief systems + food + roles---- this condensed unit operates primarily on the physical plane of this “world” until it remembers other “worlds” (babies and kids mostly lose this connection due to flesh body growth and experiences, and nurturing and belief systems). 

You begin to access other “worlds” via flow state, fasting, exercise, sweatlodges, meditation, yoga, etc. as well as via other less long-term healthy portals (drugs is an example).  What you may not know is that you are accessing the other “worlds” daily via zoning outs, and sleep/dreamtime.  So you can be here, embodied on the physical plane, and unembodied elsewhere, daily.  You just don’t see it/recognize that.

When you slip into other worlds, You (the larger You) catches up on “work”.  The work can be being available to mediums for consult, appearing in others dreams and visions as a remembered person from their previous lives, appearing in dreams and visions as yourselves now, being accessible/helpful to strangers who send out heartfelt prayers of help in their times of needs, etc.  The larger You flows into universal consciousness and picks up what needs to be done, aka the “work”.  To keep Ego in check, understand you/You are not necessarily the missing piece, the needed one, but rather you are just happening to be next in line and this is the next thing to be done/experienced by universal consciousness and you do it because you/You are not you/You but universal consciousness.

So you/You can be here and there at both moments, embodied and unembodied.

A note about “zoning out”:  this is the old-fashioned zoning out of youth, not the “I’m “zoning out” while scrolling in social media” – that looks like zoning out but it’s “darker”, you’re in a pit, you’re avoidant, you’re exhausted, you’re not the “next in line to help” because you are kind of “rotting” and you won’t make a good addition to the process in that moment.   The “zoning out”  that’s “good” is the kind where you are lulled into still-mind-state, and you are not “rotting” but are ready for the plucking. 

Another note about you from the past, your previous incarnations: they are you, and they are not you.  Think of a sweetgrass braid that is green and pliable.  This sweetgrass braid is you right now, a combination of single grasses from similar but slightly different time-space-locations joined together into a larger unit (remember: matter (meat, bones, sinew, blood) + experience + genetic material (inherited tendencies) + spirit material (your pre-embodied choices to work on and transform) + universal consciousness + belief systems + food + roles).

At some point, that braid is going to dry up and pass on (ok not really pass on but you will).  When you die, when you slip out of the fleshly shell, this braid comes apart.  Some of it stays on the physical plane, because it’s dried out and not pliable anymore.  Other pieces of it, once you are slipped out, “chunk”* off of you like ill-fitting space suit, pieces you are done with, your spirit material (your pre-embodied choices to work on and transform). 

The grasses that make up the braid are now only a few, but there are still enough that is still fresh and green and pliable to be reformed with new grasses to make a new braid (your new spirit material).  Once rebraided, you are “earth-side” again (let’s just call all the physical plane “worlds” “earth-side” in this example).  You are some of you from before but also more than you were, with the inclusion of new grass blades.  This is the reincarnated self.  So, a medium/visioner can talk to the old braid because it existed in a time-space-location dimension that doesn’t erase, all while the continued pieces are re-embodied as a “new-to-you” person.

I hope this helps explain it.  And again, reminder to think differently on this if you feel so.

One final note:  training yourself through your practice of spirituality helps you be a better “next in line and this is the next thing to be done/experienced by universal consciousness” because as that Spirit part of you grows and accompanies more and more of you on this earth-based side, you are “wiser” You while still being a new-you.  Imagine where our society would be right now if more wiser Yous were making earth-based choices – would we be in our possible last act as a species, or would we be in kinship with each other, and in kinship with the Spirit world while we were embodied?  Would we be, as it once was, both worlds living and in communication and care in unison simultaneously?

Some things to think about as you plan your next week.  Remember you are a larger You than you usually are, and try to merge that You with you in all you do.  If there are gaps between authenticity and execution of a larger wiser You, it is up to you to bridge that with healers and helpers and teachings and knowledge.  You are in charge of yourself + your experience, so if it is ever not what you wish to be experiencing or being, let’s work on that.

If anyone has any general questions they’d like me to explore in an email, send them my way.

*”chunk” off is the best way I can explain what happens in the first moments after death.  It’s like dry mudpieces loosening from your skin – it feels much better to be released in this way.  It falls off effortlessly and painlessly.  And then, if mind is stable, choices can be made.  If mind is not stable, choices are made before you realize you had a choice.  This is why meditation on mind-stilling is very important here.  The thought-to-manifestation creation on the other side is instantaneous.  No waiting around like we do here.


Questions from Spirit:

  • What habits lift your energy and sustain it?
  • What will you do each day this week to brighten your body, spirit, and mind?
  • Do you expect as much from others as you do from yourself?


Sept 4th 2021 newsletter


Messages from the Universe 

  • To find the process, use intuition + ceremony + prayer to stay attuned.
  • To feel secure, be seen, be safe, and be soothed. Can be done by others or by you.
  • Happiness = reality – expectations.
  • Courage and fear are not mutually exclusive.
  • People who have trouble loving themselves are people who are not willing to forgive.
  • People who are not willing to forgive are people who have trouble loving themselves.
  • Overstuff yourself with spiritual good stuffs.
  • We all want the solution but we never want to do the small steps that add up to it.
  • The way we treat and talk to ourselves is often the way we were treated and spoken to when we were 3 years old. 


Here is a Morning Mantra you can introduce into your routine: 

I'm truly taken care of.

I am relaxed, nonresistant, and clear.

My day unfolds with ease and grace.

The universe supports me today.

I am open to receiving wonderfulness.

I am energized and inspired.

Nothing holds me back.

I am healthy, well, and vibrant.

Today is a great day. 

 Telling yourself something and having Mind catch on to it and make it real is an important skillset that we must hone for the positive (we do it so easily and non-mindfully for the negative).  Self-healing emotional or physical issues begins with this simple step.  Using a daily positivity prompt like a Morning Mantra (a single phrase, or all the phrases) primes your Mind in the direction of goodness.  This is the only thing that determines experience (what Mind is primed for). 

Above my workspace I have mantras and affirmations written out as reminders, so that whenever my eye glances around, it lands on one of these post-its or papers and primes Mind.  “I choose to be well balanced financially”, “This is a day full of fresh beginnings”, “Time expands for me”, “Thank you for blessing me and bless those who need it”, “I always listen to my intuition and it always guides me in wondrous ways”… among many others.  I have to remind myself that there’s a larger picture I’m here for, especially when I am working and I am irritated about that (yes, sure I am blessed to be employed and have ease in this way and many others but also I am flawed person who is working to change a lifetime(s) of patterning so I do need attitude adjustments so I am less of a dick in the world).  I place reminders of good things around me and I am more primed to do and be good-er.  

You are the interface between Your Mind and Your World.  To change trajectory, it requires faithful diligence to the small things that create the large things (all large things are made up of small things or actions).  That is your job: faithful diligence.  It includes self-forgiveness, self-compassion, self-soothing.  It doesn’t include gut or heart-felt beliefs, ease of path, or motivation (as a teacher in a dream told me “don’t allow your resistance to continually motivate you”).   Faithful diligence doesn’t even include success.  It is its own Element, and from it, Emergence into and from the magical can occur. 

In traditional ways and times, faithful diligence is putting down the tobacco.  It’s lighting the sage and sweetgrass and offering prayers.  It’s carrying rocks that are your Elders to the fire for their teachings in the lodge.  It’s feeling moontime connect you to earth and sky.  There will be some of you who know what state this Element is from these examples, and you know the Emergence that follows when you do these spirit-led ways.  For others, this may feel more performative, so I will ask you to think of your own times and examples where the mundane broke into magical, and you were left with another world right at your Mind’s fingertips… 

This expansion into spirit-world that coexists with “real” world is what I mean by “interface” – the “Your Mind” and the “Your World” are determined by what Mind is primed by.  Hone the skills and actions that allow you to “download” spirit-world with/in/on your “real” world: the sooner you begin to live from these two places simultaneously, the sooner you will be living.  The small things/actions that make up this allowing/willingness-to-expand-and-download are personalized: you know what can make you feel good, holy, and aligned with the “world”.  Write these down if you have to.  Make a check-off chart for September to do these things, each day, over and over again until these new habits are patterned in, and you are priming yourself/your Mind from a new location in October.  

The time is right for this now.  It’s time for a trajectory change.  Faithful diligence to your dream for the world is what is needed.  You are more in charge than you think you are.  Your Team is there to support you, as am I.  If you need anything, feel free to reach out to them, or to me, or to others like me, who support and uplift your dreams for the world.  

If you feel you really can’t see or do this, let me know.  I will gladly waive session costs to support you in this mind-set change. 

Aug 29th 2021 newsletter


Messages from the Universe 

  • Stop mistaking the present situation as permanent.
  • Ritual creates a space for the full play of the Dreamtime.
  • Feel your wish fulfilled.
  • Healing is a conscious process that can be lived daily through changes in your habits and patterns.
  • Forgiveness can form the vacuum that undams your prosperity.
  • There’s always more money.
  • Conscious complaining (gentle, not ranting) gives you a change to catch up with your emotions.
  • Things happen not because you want them to happen but because the conditions are right.
  • Flourishing = self-inquiry + mental fitness + embodied integration.
  • Don’t babysit the mind, exercise it.
  • Purpose is something you are, not something you do.  It comes naturally + it impacts others.  It’s a who, not a what.
  • Don’t see something as a problem, just see it as it is.
  • Any tension is an indication that you are developing some defilement (wanting/disliking/feeling confused about something).
  • Your habitual patterns are stronger than your intuition.
  • The Universe serves your most highly charged and repeated emotion.

 Don't judge your feelings; notice them.  Use them as your map.  Don't be afraid of the truth.” Lori Gottlieb


This week I worked with dreamtime a lot, and a new “tool”, brought to my attention by Neville Goddard.  In his book, he mentioned 2 gateways to the subconscious: prayer, and sleep.  He explained briefly how to “hack” sleep so your subconscious could make changes in your life faster.  The trick (as tested by me and revamped a little): 

  1. Before you get into bed, decide what you want to fix subconsciously in your life.  For me, I have a nagging health issue and I find as the pandemic lingers on, I am potato-ing.  I chose a repeatable mantra for myself (“I am healing my body and we (body + me) are becoming 20 years younger” – I chose 20 years because 10 years ago I was kind of the same.  20 years is a good difference). 
  2. After deciding the mantra, I also picked a set of feeling states to reflect the “wish fulfilled”: relieved, safe, grateful, normal.
  3. As you fall asleep that night, and for however long you think you need to do this, plus with each wake up in the night, think of your mantra, do your best to embody your chosen feeling states, and if needed, picture yourself doing your “wish fulfilled”.  For me, I pictured myself doing pilates, tennis, swimming, laughing – all things I can do now while a potato, but also so much more lovely to me if I did them as a green bean, limber and lean. 

The first night I wasn’t sure this was going to work very well.  I kept waking up and having to re-direct Mind to this mantra + feeling state + imagery seemed cumbersome.  I can say that on day 2, I noticed an incredible uptick in my body energy:  everything was like it was energy wise when I was in my 20s.  I was able to freely move joints and muscles and bones and have all the boundless youthful energy I used to have.  The health issue is a little more stubborn and well formed but after trying Neville’s additional gateway tool, I have no doubt I will affect the outcome as the input is now so much healthier mentally/foundationally.  You may wish to try it for yourself.  My test with re-orienting the subconscious to stream my preferred conscious experience went very well, and I had to share.


Questions from the Universe

  • Are you comfortable living life as it is?
  • In your childhood, did you feel free to say no?
  • Did your parents keep secrets or lie about money?
  • Do you have an open heart or a fearful one?
  • Are you showing up in your life the way you want?
  • Are you really who you say you are?


 Always I want to encourage that you are checking in with yourself, that you are grounding yourself in reality, and then building out from there where you would like to go in the future.  It is in the grounding where you uncover places that need healing and repairing.  It is in the building out where you discover areas that need more growth and nurturance.  Your dreams can become your reality; you just need to work with yourself, with your Team, and with the Work of the Dream in order for it to be fulfilled.  Feel your way there.   And be self-compassionate towards yourself.  That is more a key to manifesting abundance than you may realize!

Aug 21st 2021 newsletter


Messages from the Universe 

  • The opposite of depression is the freedom to experience spontaneous feelings.
  • Set a strong intention to love and be loved.
  • We don’t rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training. (unknown)
  • Memory is the residual base of all existence.
  • Stress often begins with how you think.
  • Change and loss travel together.
  • All chronic repetitive frustrations are rooted in unfinished childhood business (e.g. always late, never appreciated, etc).
  • Marriage is a healing process: you are coming together to heal each other’s childhood wounds, and grow in to your wholeness so you can become a contributor to the wholeness of society.
  • Hurt + fear = anger.
  • Attachment is the source of anger.
  • Your Mind thoughts are your real religion.
  • A powerful jet plane needs a good pilot; the pilot of your mind should be the wisdom that understands its nature. (Lama Yeshe)
  • If you know how you feel, you know who you are.
  • If you don’t know how to work your emotions, someone or something is going to come along and work them for you.
  • Walking meditation mantra: “I am connected to everyone and everything”.
  • Notice the moments where you experience a sense of connection, relatedness, and belonging.
  • Be realistic.  Plan for a miracle. (Bhagwan Shree Rajineesh)


 Questions from the Universe

  • In what ways are you failing to love, nurture, and commit to yourself?
  • Where in your life do you feel depleted?
  • During childhood, when were you at your happiest, and how can you recapture or recreate some of that in your life now?
  • Looking back over the last year or two, what do you feel the most grateful for?
  • What roles do you no longer want to have?
  • What are your biggest time sinks?
  • What new habit or practice would you like to develop over the next two months?
  • Are you spending your hours the way you want?
  • Does your schedule reflect your values and priorities?


 One thing I’ve been doing more of is communicating with my Team***.  I came across a “hack” that said to thank them for what you want/need.  I’ve tried it a few times, pre-thanking them (one example is “Thank you for helping me become a consistent exerciser, meditator, and yogi”, another is “Thank you for helping me heal my body”).  It has helped greatly in the moment and in the later times: the act of remembering to reach out for help, the act of noticing wants and needs, the act of appreciation – all three come together with this “hack”.  I’m able to get out of the way of “making it happen” and into the flow of “letting it happen to me”.  Give it a try with all your wishes this week.

 ***Team talk: with each one of us, we have guides/angels/helpers/ancestors/mentors/inspirations/etc (the exact wording should be what you like to use, what you feel most comfortable using – the word isn’t as important as the Role, and the Role can be 1 or many, for a long while or a short while).  This Team is with you to provide reminders of your innate wisdom and also to help you become wise yourself again as you are in your current life situation (e.g. your meatbag status).  They can communicate to you via people, coincidence, books, situations, nudges, intuitive whisperings, billboards, timely messages, felt-sense, and/or/also flashes of images, emotions, and knowing in your third eye screen or your crown chakra screen, etc.  Using a meditation technique, you still yourself so you can begin to “hear” Them (the hearing may be visual as well) – this will not happen at once, you must hone this skillset over time with the stilling and the listening, and trusting they are there. 

 This skillset everyone has; it is usually covered in “dust” from years of living and non-use.  The stilling meditationally in your preferred choice helps clean it off and get it ready for use again. Rare is the person who keeps this dust-free from childhood.

 Their “voice” is subtle, quiet, non-intrusive, although they can felt-sense you quite strongly via the sacral + solar plexus chakra intersection (e.g. near your gut).  If you are not a good meditator/stiller, and you are hearing non-subtle, non-quiet, intrusive “voice” or thought-streams, this is most likely Mind.  As I explained to a client recently, Mind is like a teenage “boy”: pretty sure they’re right about the world as they see it and they don’t think you should ignore them. Mind will interfere; your Team will not.  Your Team is non-intrusive, and willing to let you make your own decisions and mistakes as it ultimately fulfills their mandate (to provide reminders of your innate wisdom and also to help you become wise yourself again as you are in your current life situation) and it is in accordance with one of the natural laws of the Universe (non-interference of a Spirit Being’s Soulwork -- the Spirit Being in this case is you, your larger, less embodied and more multi-dimensional You).

 Your Team is mostly just waiting around for you to ask them for help.  Be sure to use them often, in small and large ways.  Play around with this: see how your requests are fulfilled, how you “hear”, what you experience.  To not use them is to waste an opportunity that can be magical to your life.