Photo Cred: David Boozer

Spirit Questions

Imagine that you could know the current 7 questions Spirit wants to ask you -- that's what Spirit Questions offers you.  7 personalized questions that help prompt growth or realization, intuited by me for you from Spirit.   

$25. Send an email to me at with the subject line: Spirit Questions, and I will ask Spirit for your special qs.

PS: the value on what this offering can deliver into your life depends completely on you, and how openly/diligently you work with Spirit when the questions arrive.  Participants in the Alpha Testing experienced surprise at the accuracy of the questions for their current life situation, and some responded with resistance.  Willing to be vulnerable with Spirit is a learned action:  Spirit is non-harming and always helping us become our better, brighter, smarter selves.  Vulnerability is important to avoid resistance here:  the good news is that the questions are personal, and you only need to share your responses or thoughts with yourself.  Integration of the knowledge gained into your daily life is the last piece:  the questions can only shift your life more into the trajectory you want to go if you tune in with Spirit to find your next steps.  If you experience difficulty with this, you can send me an email and we can work together as you get more comfortable working with Spirit yourself.

1:1 private sessions for those in spiritually curious (and perhaps survival) mode

Together, we sit and dig through the layers that have you stuck and circling the drainpipe.  Issues, problems, conundrums, catastrophes, questions: nothing is too big or too small. We cover everything and anything that is you (it's really all interrelated anyway).  Wholeness is the end game; your goals are respected, nourished, amplified.  We ground, clarify, and align you back to your potential. We strategize healthy next steps, we re-connect or introduce you to the versions of accountability, integrity, and authenticity you can next reach, and together we get you back on stable ground and we point you where you want to go.  This work is accompanied by 1 in session energy treatment that bests serve your goal's unfoldment 

1:1 sessions can take 25-65 minutes:


  • No payment is required if you need help. These are gifted sessions, and the Universe ensures they are covered.
  • However, if you would like to pay, the suggested amount is $100-150 but anything is appreciated when it is heartfelt. 
  • Email Session:  Still free. Send queries, questions, concerns, hopes, dreams about anything, and I'll send something back.

To book a session or send an email: